The London International Post

Why the ULEZ disadvantages the poor

Ultra Low Emission Zone ULEZ
Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
  • Prime Minister is against the expansion of ULEZ

  • Londoners protest against the expansion of ULEZ

  • Another attack on the poor and working class

While the London Mayor Sadiq Khan drives around in his convey of gas guzzling Land Rover SUVs and preaches to the masses of using public transport in the capital city, he has slapped the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) to Greater London boroughs, which means more poor or the struggling working class will be unable to drive their cars, unless they pay a daily charge to the debt depleted Mayor's coffers.

Sadiq Khan's convey of gas guzzling SUVs
Sadiq Khan's convey of gas guzzling SUVs

The scandal of the study, which concluded the expansion of the ULEZ would not really benefit air quality, dismissed this, and charged forward on all cylinders to implement this unpopular and detested money-making initiative.

ULEZ consultation results
ULEZ consultation results

To gain public acceptance your car only needs to be the maximum of 15-years old, but if re-elected within a 2-year window, cars will have to be 2015 or newer to drive the streets of London or pay an ever-increasing daily ULEZ charge.

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ULEZ expansion map
ULEZ expansion map

London's pollution is from heavy industry from France and Germany

Reform UK tackles green policies that disadvantage the poor

Reform UK prepares to defeat the Conservative Party

The Reclaim Political Party is also a threat to the Conservative Government

Eventually within 4-years the only vehicles Sadiq Khan wants to drive within London is electric vehicles and then another 2-years everyone will have to pay the equivalent of the already bank busting council tax charge every Londoner has to pay for his gas guzzling entourage of SUVs and lavish Mayoral lifestyle, while the poor and struggling working class pay for it all.

No to ULEZ protest sign
No to ULEZ protest sign"

Don't be fooled and vote for the Reform UK or the Reclaim Party who will put in sensible policies that will be beneficial to all Londoners regardless of background or financial status.

Londoners protest against ULEZ
Londoners protest against ULEZ

Sign the petition against the ULEZ expansion