The London International Post

Reform UK prepares to defeat the Conservative Party

The Reform UK Party is a British political party wanting change to represent British society and for the British people
The Reform UK Party
  • Reform UK Party has grown in strength to challenge the Conservative Party

  • The British population wants every vote to count and supports Proportional Representation

  • The protection of the Union of the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland from the threats of the European Union

  • The need to protect British borders from the threats of criminal gangs, terrorism and illegal and mass immigration

The Reform UK political party was born out of the flames of the Brexit Party by long standing campaigner and politician Nigel Farage and businessman turned politician Richard Tice.

Nigel Farage campaigned for twenty-five years as leader of the UK Independence Party and succeeded in getting the British voters to leave the European Union by 52%-48% in favour in the 2016 referendum.

Nigel Farage came under pressure from the media and society to distance himself and UKIP from far-right racists political and non-political groups, so that's when he formed the Brexit Party to finally push the UK out of the EU, after the then Prime Minister Theresa May and her Conservative Government as well as Opposition MPs couldn't decide on the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU.

With Labour under the leadership of Jeremy Corbin losing northern safe seats in the 2019 General Election due to Labour politicians wanting to reverse the EU referendum result and the will-of-the-people, the Conservative Party got an overwhelming majority under the leadership of Boris Johnson.

Finally, there was a British Prime Minister who actually delivered Brexit, and the UK sailed away from the unelected and undemocratic European Union institution and was free to govern by the consensus of the British people.

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The EU has declared war on the Union of the United Kingdom

Britons reject another proposed European political union the EU+

EU shall not annex Northern Ireland

The worse thing happened in the world with the Chinese communist authorities allowing the Covid-19 virus to accidentally leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where this extremely contagious and dangerous virus and others were being experimented on, and infecting one of the scientists, who unwittingly infected the local Wuhan area and then quickly beyond during the holiday season in China.

Not only did the Johnson led Conservative Government push the European Union for a revised deal to get the votes needed in the House of Commons and Lords, it had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, which put a strain on the Prime Minister and government.

With Covid-19 breaches by the Prime Minister, senior MP's and other MP's on all sides of the political divide in Westminster, led to Boris Johnson having to resign, which then led to a catastrophe in the election of Liz Truss, who's economic policy led to a brief collapse in the British economy, and then she had to resign - being the shortest serving British prime minister - and then the only candidate left was runner up Rishi Sunak.

With the economy in free fall, inflation and gas and electricity bills in freefall, as well as food causing the majority of the British people into hardship, as the cost-of-living crisis takes hold, has damaged the Conservative Party and their leadership in government.

Richard Tice Chairman of the Reform UK Party
Richard Tice Chairman of the Reform UK Party

Discontent has gripped the British people and in particular the Conservative voters, who are now leaving in droves to align their allegiance to Nigel Farage and Richard Tice in the Reform UK Party.

Discontent has gripped the British people and in particular the Conservative voters, who are now leaving in droves to align their allegiance to Nigel Farage and Richard Tice in the Reform UK Party.

The Reform UK Party has, like the Brexit Party and UKIP, silently goes around the country to small crowds of the British people who want change from the same old politics, which serve the same old interests and damage the United Kingdom.

Eventually after a period of two years the Reform UK Party can be seen as heavy hitters and now have an impressive audience in attendance to hear the Leader now Chairman Richard Tice profess a better way of governance, and it sounds more logical than the insanity, which comes out of Westminster by politicians who are ever increasingly losing touch with what British society has become and the pain and hurt experienced by the majority of the British population.

At the next General Election the Reform UK Party will put a bruise on the Conservative Party nose.

Already we see senior and long standing Conservative MP's declare that at the next General Election they will not run, as they are not only jumping ship, but realise they are involved in ill-thought social, economic and political policies over the past twelve years.

When you know the writing's on the wall and jump ship that shows you the character of today's politicians on all sides of the House of Commons.

Reform UK are not just interested in gaining seats in the House of Commons for the sake of changing the United Kingdom, but have campaigned to want the UK to adopt Proportional Representation (PR) to make sure no vote is wasted and that the House of Commons is reflective and representative of British society.

Another area Reform UK wants to strengthen is the Union of the United Kingdom and say no to a hard border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Protecting the Union of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
Protecting the Union of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland

Reform UK are campaigning to stop the European Union illegally annexing Northern Ireland from the Union of the United Kingdom, and support the right of the Northern Irish people who want to remain British citizens and a part of the Union of the United Kingdom.

The contentious issue of protecting the United Kingdom from illegal and mass immigration by strengthening the borders and fast deportation of people in the UK illegally.

Illegal Immigrants crossing the English Channel on unseaworthy dinghies
Illegal Immigrants crossing the English Channel on unseaworthy dinghies

The next part of strengthening the British borders is to tackle the human trafficking gangs that charge an exorbitant amount of money and no guarantee of crossing the English Channel in unseaworthy dinghies.

These policies are how you gain control of the country and make it fairer for the population, which begs the question why haven't Conservative politicians been brave and accepted the challenge of dealing with the tough decisions and unpopular decisions needed to make the country secure and prosperous for all.

The Reform UK Party is unstoppable now and is gaining popularity for good sensible policies that the British people have been wanting for over a decade.

Let's see what happens when the next British General Election is announced and the subsequent result.