The London International Post

Reform UK tackles green policies that disadvantage the poor

The British countryside
The British countryside
  • Reform UK highlights the Green Policies that are bankrupting the British people

  • The poor and working class are disadvantaged by the Green Policies that are being implemented by the Conservative Government

  • Cutting pollution levels too fast and too hard can create an imbalance within the Earth's ecology

  • Reform UK policies on the environment recognises the need to improve, protect and maintain the environment

The Reform UK Chairman Richard Rice has been highlighting for some time at their political meetings, conferences, and press briefings about the effect green policies are having on the working class and the poor.

Majority of people across the country, and across the world are in agreement in improving, protecting and maintaining a healthy relationship between humans, nature and the environment.

But what has, and is, being perpetuated and now implemented are green policies that are designed to prevent the working class and poor from owning and running a car, putting hundreds of pounds of green taxes on air travel to prevent or at the very least make it eye watering expensive, so the working class and the poor cannot go on weekend breaks or holiday, especially with their families,and make it more expensive to heat their homes.

The message is loud and clear, if you can afford it or are rich you can have a car, or cars, you can go on weekend breaks or holidays with your families and heat your homes.

Leading environmental scientists say that stopping pollution overnight can have a negative effect because Earth has got used to, and, to a certain extent has, and is dealing with pollution levels fairly well; to suddenly stop means the Earth has to change and adapt quickly.

It is this sudden change we can experience more hot and cold weather, and more fierce tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis.

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So, as Richard Rice the Chairman of Reform UK is pointing out, change over a longer period not only helps the poorest in society, but also helps the planet adjust to reduced levels of pollution.

Richard Tice Chairman of the Reform UK Party
Richard Tice Chairman of the Reform Party UK

Reform UK's green policies and approach to the environment is becoming a sensible policy amongst their supporters, who are made up of not only disaffected Conservative voters but fast attracting voters across the political divide.

The political landscape is changing and the Conservative Government now under Rishi Sunak is looking more and more out of touch with the British people.

The change has not come, it has arrived.

The next General Election, which is approaching soon, will be the most exciting one we've had in decades and we will see the real change the British people really want.