The London International Post

London's pollution is from heavy industry from France and Germany

Pollution from heavy industry in Northern France and Germany ends up in London
Pollution from heavy industry in Northern France and Germany ends up in London's basin
  • There needs to be a stop of bankrupting the working class and poor with draconian green policies

  • The London Mayor needs to recognise a lot of Londoners cannot afford electric vehicles

  • Public transport is not adequate in the evening and early hours for workers to get to work throughout London

The London Mayor is introducing draconian measures to effectively bankrupt the working class and poor from owning a vehicle that is deemed too old and causing too much pollution in the capital.

Pollution from Heavy Industry in Northern France
Pollution from Heavy Industry in Northern France

What the Mayor doesn't understand that most of London's pollution comes from heavy industry in Northern France and in the industrial depths of Germany's heartland, then through the weather pattern this pollution from both European countries gets swept into London's basin and swirls around for weeks on end, causing a thick haze above the capital, which gets worst during the summer months.

Pollution from German Heavy Industry
Pollution from German Heavy Industry

The drastic move to alternative powered vehicles such as electric or a hybrid of fossil fuel, hydrogen, or any other fuel from recycled vegetable fat, are expensive and beyond the reach of most middleclass households let alone the working class and poor.

This idea that we need to constantly put things out of reach of the mass population to suit a few bureaucrats in the London Mayor's office or Transport for London will lead to mass protests, low productivity due to the fact workers cannot get to work, especially in the early hours or over the weekend, when the underground and the railway is closed, and buses running or not as infrequent as during daylight.

This constant barrage of upping taxes to pay or cover up black holes caused by those in Westminster or in local councils mismanaging funds and thinking it is acceptable to introduce more revenue rip off schemes such as the Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) across all London's boroughs.

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We need a change fast and the London Mayor needs to be voted out when the London Assembly Elections comes round on Thursday 2nd May 2024, and not only him but all of those in the London Assembly who vote for policies that are disadvantaging Londoners and the working class and poor, and nationally as well because of this Conservative Government is endorsing these types of green bankruptcy laws, rules and regulations as well.

The disturbing aspect to these green policies is that when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were in the European Union, the European Union would fine the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for high pollution levels in London; when they knew full well that the pollution came from heavy industry in Northern France and in the heartland of Germany.

For those that remember the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in the 1986, in what was known as Soviet Ukraine before they declared their independence from Soviet Russia in 1991, that the radiation that was released ended up in the valleys and high peaks of Wales and the sheep was infected with high levels of radiation as a result and Welsh sheep was unable to be eaten until the restrictions were lifted in 2012, instead the UK imported lamb from New Zealand, until the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, and got radiated meat from affected European Union Member States.

Sheep in the Valleys of Wales
Sheep in the Valleys of Wales

The British and European environmental scientists know this about this but keep quiet because they know they will not get any funding for telling the truth about weather patterns and how pollution travels throughout and across the world.

Most people want to be responsible in dealing with Mankind's waste and pollution but knowing that if we continue the way we are it would take a minimum of 300 million years for the Earth to heat up to the predictions we are constantly being bombarded every day, which is panicking the world's population into thinking the Earth will explode and die within a few years.

The essence of the story is that we need to do things in a calm and measured way and if we change our world too much too fast the Earth's weather and patterns could change for the worst, because the Earth just like a smoker needs time to adjust with lower pollution levels.

So, rest assured we are not going to destroy the planet nor is the Earth going to explode and die by 2030, so we have time to change our behaviour and the way we produce energy and power our vehicles and deal with our waste over many decades, centuries, and millions of years into the future.

The London Mayor Sadiq Khan's luxury Range Rover
The London Mayor Sadiq Khan's luxury Range Rover

Vote out politicians and demote bureaucrats who want you to give up all the things you use to live your life, while they live how they want to, by any means possible.