The London International Post

The Reclaim Party
The Reclaim Party
  • Attack on freedom, democracy, and the West

  • Political correctness feeding false information about historical facts

  • Not tackling the human trafficking gangs responsible for illegal immigration

The Conservative Government led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has another problem growing within the United Kingdom as another political party, The Reclaim Party is gaining momentum as more voters want a change in the way the country is governed.

Too much political correctness has seen many being cancelled because of false information about historical facts concerning the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, trying to dismantle law enforcement, tearing down statues of past great leaders and branding them racists, and people like the leader of The Reclaim Party former actor Lawerence Fox having a twenty-year plus career ending because of wanting to stand up for a pro-British and pro-Western stance.

What is interesting is that even woke activists across different sectors of business, industry and society suffering from the same cancellation as extreme wokeism takes hold, and it's not going to get any better unless the major political parties stop pandering to the lunatics who predominantly hold Marxism and Communism political ideology, which is a national security threat for the British people who want to maintain to live in a free and democratic society.

The British General Election is only two-years away and already the Conservative MPs are very worried and concerned they will lose, probably by a small margin, but nevertheless a loss of seats and face.

The problem in British politics at the moment is that the Conservative Government chose to maintain low interest rates concerning the house prices to quadruple making it impossible for young professionals and even those from the working class to ever buy a property.

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Albanian human trafficking gangs fueling illegal immigration
Albanian human trafficking gangs fuelling illegal immigration

The increase of illegal immigrants paying the Albanian human trafficking gangs in Northern France to cross the English Channel in unseaworthy dinghies is another continuous issue facing southern English coastal towns, and no British politician doing anything or saying anything to stop this evil trade, which is costing people's lives each week.

Reform UK prepares to defeat the Conservative Party

Reform UK tackles green policies that disadvantage the poor

Britons reject another proposed European political union the EU+

The EU has declared war on the Union of the United Kingdom

Curtailing freedom of speech not just on the internet but also across the media and press, is obliviously a worrying trend by the Government, but another point that is slowly but surely putting middle England off from voting in another Conservative government.

Lawerance Fox leader of The Reclaim Party
Lawerance Fox leader of The Reclaim Party

The Labour Party is not free from sin as many Labour MP's want to rejoin the European Union and put the United Kingdom back into a slave relationship with the undemocratic and unelected European Union and their elites.

As time goes by, it gets closer to the next General Election, and British political parties including The Reclaim Party will be campaigning in force to change and represent in the fullest sense of the word the British people.