The London International Post

Britons reject another proposed European 'political union' the EU+

The Union Jack the National Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Union Jack the National Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • The British people do not want to join another EU Bloc

  • President Macron cannot replace King Charles III as Head of State of the UK

  • Further attempt by the Remain Establishment to enslave the UK in Europe

The President of France has proposed a EU+ 'political union' and with the blessing of the President of the Commission of the European Union, held its first meeting in Prague, Czech Republic on the 6th October 2022.

Britons have rejected any notion of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of ever giving up their sovereignty to join these global elite institutions that only want to make the population subservient with low wages and high immigration of low-skilled workers and lack of investment from companies to train and upgrade infrastructure to make companies produce more and become efficient.

The Head of State King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth realms
The Head of State King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth realms

Rishi Sunak like Boris Johnson are keen to work with Europe, but the risk of being included into another European political union is a real threat to the sovereignty and integrity of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Europe's politicians and some within the UK seem to think that to trade with other countries you have to be locked into a 'political union' to achieve this.

Political unions are institutions that land-grab nations and then implement their laws, rules and regulations to control and make themselves wealthy at the expense of the indigenous population.

In a democracy the people vote for politicians to represent them and their interests to improve and make their respective nations prosperous and nice places to live.

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EU shall not annex Northern Ireland

NATO is the defence of Europe not the EU

Prince Charles becomes King Charles III

People do not vote for politicians who then give their nation away and then take orders from other leaders in other countries who think they know what's best for their country without understanding what that country needs and wants.

Politicians who give away sovereignty, which compromises the integrity of the nation are also irresponsible as when things go wrong they can blame the 'real' leaders of the country from wherever they are based in the world, in this case in Brussels, Belgium the capital of the European Union.

The fight will never be over to keep the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as there are the elites who want the UK to re-enter the European Union for their benefit, not yours!