The London International Post

The EU has declared war on the Union of the United Kingdom

The Union of the United Kingdom
The Union of the United Kingdom
  • The EU wants to destroy the Union of the United Kingdom

  • Ireland has no control over their borders but has no choice to implement an EU hard border

  • The EU's behaviour towards the UK is the same as Adolf Hitler during World War II

The European Union had officially said that it intends to unite Ireland, thus going against the wishes of the British people.

It shows the real intentions of the European Union of taking away the sovereignty of nations and denying democracy to citizens of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The Flags of the Union of the United Kingdom
The Flags of the Union of the United Kingdom

The Belfast Agreement more commonly known as the Good Friday Agreement was an agreement between the British and Irish governments and the different political parties, which resulted in peace for the first time in British-Irish relations.

The political representatives of both the Catholic and Protestant communities struck the historic Belfast Agreement in August 1998, which predates the existence of the European Union.

The European Union wants to become a country and be called the United States of Europe, which will never work.

The citizens across Europe want the European Union to be dismantled, because the regulations and laws are preventing nations from expanding and their political representatives in formulating policies that work in their countries, rather than adopting regulations and laws as part of a twenty-seven block of nations.

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Britons reject another proposed European political union the EU+

EU shall not annex Northern Ireland

NATO is the defence of Europe not the EU

Prince Charles becomes King Charles III

People in France, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, and Finland are voicing their disapproval of ever increasing political, financial and police and military integration.

If democracy is at threat in Western Europe then the European Union is causing this and soon the European continent will be feeling and looking like Communist China, or their pet-fellows North Korea.