The London International Post

US, UK, and Israel planning to deal with Iran

The leadership of Iran are making grave mistakes and now it's time for the West and Israel to confront and deal with the threat coming from the Middle East.

Iran Parliament
Iran Parliament

The United States, The United Kingdom, and Israel have come to the end of the line of destruction the leadership of Iran is conducting throughout the Middle East and beyond.

With Ayatollah Khamenei personally ordering the funding, training, and support of Hamas to attack Israel and weaken the Israeli government and put enough fear in Israelis that they would do anything to submit to the demands from Hamas in Gaza and the leaders in both Qatar and Tehran.

Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei
Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei

However, Ayatollah Khamenei misjudged the Israeli resolve, and the Israeli population came out fighting and pushed and crushed the terrorist attack on southern Israel, and later invaded Gaza to eliminate Hamas once and for all, to ensure peace on the borders of Israel from Gaza.

Still, Ayatollah Khamenei pushed Hamas to not back down and surrender but to fight the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) once they entered into Gaza four weeks after the attack on 10/07/2023.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

After two hundred days and counting the IDF under the leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli War Cabinet have eliminated eighteen battalions of Hamas, out of twenty-five.

Israeli tanks in Gaza
Israeli tanks in Gaza

The Israeli Prime Minister has made it clear that any negotiations of a ceasefire and the return of Israeli hostages and tourists and visitors who got caught up in the Hamas attack last October.

But Ayatollah Khamenei ordering the direct attack on Israel in April firing 300 drones, missiles and even Iran's newly manufactured hypersonic missiles, has angered not only the Israelis but the Americans and British who are fed up with the constant threats and bullying the leaders of Iran are displaying towards Israel and the West.

The people of Iran say Not in our name at the Hamas led terrorist attack on Israel

Iran supplied $20m of missiles and military hardware for Hamas to launch attacks on Israel

Now, the kid gloves have finally come off resulting in the Americans, British and Israelis working on a plan to finally defeat Ayatollah Khamenei's regime and grip on the Middle East.

It will be a bumpy ride, but all of the proxy terrorist groups and organisations that Iran has been funding, training, and supporting will be eliminated throughout Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Once they've been eliminated all of the military and nuclear facilities across Iran will eventually be attacked and eliminated enabling the people of Iran to finally liberate their country from the Ayatollah's grip since the late '70s.

With Saudi Arabia wanting to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, they are still in diplomatic talks with the United States and Israel in a cooperation agreement and end hostilities throughout the Middle East.

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