The London International Post

The people of Iran say, “Not in our Name!” at the Hamas led terrorist attack on Israel

Iranians protesting against Iran's Government support of Hamas and the attacks on Israel
Iranians protesting in Tehran against their Governments support of Hamas
  • Ayatollah Khamenei is scared of Iranians disgust at his support for Hamas and Hezbollah

  • Ayatollah Khamenei is scared of Iranians demanding the end of the Islamic State of Iran for his support of terrorism in the region

  • Iranians reject their countries stance on killing of all Jews

  • Iranians protest to "Stand with Israel" over the October Hamas attack

The decency and thankfully that is the majority of Iranians have and are continuously protesting against the leadership of their oppressive regime and chanting, “Not in our Name!”, at the grotesque slaughter of Israelis and visitors in southern Israel on the morning of Saturday 7th October 2023.

Ayatollah Khamenei the leader of Iran will not have an easy time now his and his leadership including the all-powerful Spiritual Council of Iran all authorised the murderous rampage and carnage in southern Israel on that fateful early October morning, is the last straw for the people of Iran and there are plans well underway within Iran to topple the hated and oppressive Iranian leadership no-one wanted from the start.

The 1979 cultural revolution which saw the exiled former spiritual and leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini return from Paris, France to Tehran, Iran was not the leadership the Iranian people thought they would get.

To their astonishment this religious bigot made any Iranian who had an opposing view the enemy of the country and summary executions followed.

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Now, since his death in 1989 and a succession of religious and political leaders Iran went further downhill and got isolated from the world through sanctions at its stance against America, Israel, the West at large and liberal democracies across the world.

After butchering their own people, they sought to fund and support terrorism, which coined the word state sponsored global terrorism against free nations and their people.

The pro-Hamas demonstration to go ahead on Armistice Day

The State of Israel launches a military fightback against Hamas

The people of Iran are sick and tired of being branded terrorists and murderers, now not to be associated with mass rape, torture, mutilation, murder of babies, children, women, and unarmed men.

The people of Iran are also chanting "Enough is enough!" and are tearing down and defacing the statues and images of spiritual and political leaders of Iran to demand change and further show that they can topple them.

For the first time in decades the people of Iran can see a brighter future of democracy and free and fair elections and civilian institutions that help them and a military force that does not train terrorists to commit crimes against humanity anywhere around the world.

Now the people of Iran want to be seen and taken as a country and people who want to work with people across the world in peace, harmony, and unity, and where foreigners and tourists can come and not be afraid of being falsely arrested and accused of spying for America or some other country Western or others.

It seems the people of Iran are going to be free at long last, like their Palestinian cousins in Gaza.