The London International Post

The leadership of Iran are scared of losing power

The current Spiritual President of Iran
Ayatollah Khamenei - Spiritual President of Iran
  • The Iranians demand Ayatollah Khamenei to resign

  • Iranians want Iran to return to democracy

  • Iranians are horrified with the attack on Israel

Iran's leader Ayatollah Khamenei is scared of losing power not only across the Middle East but within their own country after funding and supporting Hamas in their bloody butcherous attack on southern Israel on the 7th October 2023.

Iran has the largest young population in the world and this generation dislikes the Government of Iran and have been protesting for several years over the abuses they suffer, especially the women who get beaten daily by the religious police over the wearing of the hijab.

Lots of young Iranians have been demonstrating with placards saying, “Not in my Name!” and “You are not my President” and extending this to the current Prime Minister, after babies, children, women and unarmed men were tortured in unthinkable and unimaginable ways and the systematic rape of females, and killing people while handcuffed and unarmed, which has horrified the Iranian people into demanding there country is liberated from their evil spiritual and political leaders.

Ayatollah Khomeini the late spiritual leader of Iran
Ayatollah Khomeini the late spiritual leader of Iran

Since the Islamic Revolution and the return of Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 after the fall of the Shah of Iran, became a country supporting and funding proxy terrorist groups and organisations not only across the Middle East but across the West to further their aims of protecting themselves from this perceived threat to Iran from the United States and majority Islamic countries who are Sunni Muslims, unlike Iran, which is majority Shi'a, who are heavily oppressed and suppressed in the majority of Islamic countries across the world.

The people of Iran say 'Not in our Name' at the Hamas led terrorist attack on Israel

The pro-Hamas demonstration to go ahead on Armistice Day

The State of Israel launches a military fightback against Hamas

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The young people like most young people are young, vibrant and are more optimistic for the future and want to be a part of a fresh start and the Iranian youth have this same outlook and are now publicly demanding it.

If the leadership of Iran do not reform themselves and do not make Iran a more open, free, and secular country then they will eventually be overthrown, and Iran will become part of the international community into a respectful country, and they will probably return to be called Persia.

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