The London International Post

Iran supplied $20m of missiles and military hardware for Hamas to launch attacks on Israel

Central Bank of Iran
Central Bank of Iran
  • Iran has supported Hamas for the last forty years

  • Hamas got direct military training to attack Israel last year in October

  • Iran sent $20 million through the Central Bank of Iran to Egyptian bank accounts

Iran has supported Hamas in Gaza and has once again supplied Hamas with $20m of missiles, small arms, ammunition, drones, paragliders and hand-gliders, and small military grade inflatable boats for Hamas to attack southern Israel and even as far as the Israeli economic and culture capital Tel Aviv.

The leadership in Iran are hellbent on destroying The State of Israel and have and still are using Hamas in Gaza to carry out terrorist raids through the many miles of tunnels that go underneath at several points from North to South of the Gaza border with Israel.

Hamas have been under orders for decades to keep firing old Iranian rockets and as recently as last year newer rockets supplied by Iran have been constantly being fired into Israel kibbutz, villages, towns, and cities including as far as Tel Aviv.

The Israeli government took a more lenient and pacifist viewpoint of the dealing with the thousands of Iranian rockets Hamas terrorists were firing each month into Israel, often wounding, and killing Israelis and visitors alike at trying to destroy the Israeli economy and tourist industry to make The State of Israel economically, politically, diplomatically, and socially weak.

The Israeli politicians took a softer approach as The State of Israel was normalising and signing diplomatic and cooperation deals with Arab and Gulf nations.

The people of Iran say Not in our name at the Hamas led terrorist attack on Israel

The leadership of Iran are scared of losing power

The State of Israel launches a military fightback against Hamas

But the leadership in Iran was paying close attention to these unacceptable developments and their hope of getting Arab and Gulf nations to follow their lead in trying to defeat and destroy The State of Israel and kill all Israelis in the process.

Iran's leadership, feeling very isolated, wanted to exert more pressure on Arab and Gulf countries by funding, supporting, and planning attacks against Israel, from Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and their Arab neighbour Iraq, by terrorist groups and organisations operating either overtly or covertly in these countries.

Still, the leaders and governments in these countries did nothing to curtail these Iranian proxy conflicts and unrest, which made the Iranian leadership even more emboldened to continue to poke, tease, and strengthen the rise of unrest and conflict across the region.

However, one leader went to the United Nations (UN) to complain and say that Iran had and is continuously overstepping the line with their civil nuclear program, which will led to a nuclear weapon, which would be disastrous for the region, as the first country they will use it against is The State of Israel, and the leader was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

President Biden, like former Democrat president Obama, took the view of working with Iran to use their nuclear program only for civil use, not for military purposes.

We can now see what Iran wants to do by the Hamas led full terrorist attack on Israelis' and The State of Israel.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

The leadership of Iran personally telling the Hamas terrorists who many were very vulnerable, poor, and illiterate Palestinian boys and young men to go and behead, mutilate, rape, torture, and murder in cold blood: the innocents of babies, children, women, men, and those unarmed and defenceless in protecting themselves or their friends and family members.

The five-hour rampage and murderous carnage may have been a victory for the leadership of Iran, but the full horrors of what they instructed their Hamas terrorists to do in southern Israel, will now come back to haunt them as the Iranian Revolutionary regime cannot survive this, as the Iranian people have been vocal of their revulsion of such acts against fellow human beings.

Once the IDF have sorted out Hamas in Gaza and restore a free Gaza for the Palestinians you are sure that The State of Israel will begin their military campaign against Iran and free that country for the Iranian people who detest their regime's leadership and oppressive system of using a perverted use of the (Shi'a) Islamic faith.

The leadership of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups and organisations funded and supported by Iran need to keep both eyes open as one day quite soon missiles will be raining down on them, and the world can breathe a sigh of relief and decency and hope can come to the Middle East at long last.

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