The London International Post

President Biden bows down to pressure to step down from the Presidential race

Mr Trump now faces Kamala Harris in the Presidential race for the next Presidency at the White House

President Biden of the United States of America
President Biden

There are a lot of changes happening in American politics from the assassination attempt on Presidential hopeful Mr Trump, now President Biden resigning from running again for the White House, and now Vice-President Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic nominee to challenge Mr Trump for the Oval Office.

President Biden has been under a lot of pressure throughout his Presidency as things always seemed to go wrong from the outset as he ordered for all of the American military in Afghanistan to withdraw first without getting out American civilians and those that helped the United States and Coalition Forces to be evacuated first.

What happened was a rush for the American military to re-enter Afghanistan and set up at Kabul International Airport an evacuation post, where thousands of Afghans wanted to get on American and Coalition aircraft to escape the threat of the ultra-conservative Taliban who were going through Afghanistan and defeating a disorganised, retreating and mostly surrendering Afghan National Army soldiers.


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What didn't help was the leadership of Afghan National Army fleeing to Kabul and even the Afghan President Ghani raiding the Afghan Central Bank of millions of dollars' worth of currency and fleeing with his family in an Afghan Army helicopter.

Several American Army personnel died, and many were wounded with life changing injuries, and that's when the world's dictators saw the beginnings for the United States as a tour de force nation.

When Putin invaded Ukraine, in Asia President Xi was eyeing up Taiwan, as they both knew American looked weak under President Biden.

With efforts to stop the war in Ukraine, the other problem was to put sanctions on Russia and then the biggest scandal was that President Biden allowed the completion of the oil and gas Nord Stream pipelines from Russia to Germany, which ended up fuelling and funding Putin's war machine in Ukraine.

While Mr Trump was President he voiced his objection to the completion of Nord Stream, and he was right as Germany and the rest of Europe became reliant on Russian oil and gas and was unwittingly funding Putin's war in Ukraine.

This led to the rapid need for European countries to find alternative sources of oil and gas, which took some time and during winter left European nations unable to keep the lights and heating on, which spiked the price of oil and gas globally, which led to the cost-of-living crisis.

The mistake President Biden and other European leaders made was to vilify petroleum products, which offended the Arabs and other oil producing countries, which kindly in return of their much-sourced energy products they increased the price.

The increase in energy prices meant that factories and transportation companies had to pass on the cost of manufacturing and transporting food and other products, which meant inflation increased to double-digits unseen for decades.

The world and supply chains were suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic caused by an accidental lab-leak from the Chinese Virology Institute in Wuhan added to the woes of a fracturing world between democracy and dictatorships.

While it took time for half the world to get used to the new reality in Europe, and across the world, a gaping hole emerged between the just-about-managing and the wealthy classes.

The government debt increased as President Biden increased spending in healthcare, infrastructure, and the new green economy, putting pressure on the job market and disposable income, further putting unnecessary burden on the American economy.

The other single complaint President Biden was plagued with was his age, and the many times he seemed to go off piece or get confused on what to say or where to go, often while leaving the podium or stage.

President Biden acknowledged that he lost his trail of thought at times, and said he had a speech impediment, and he isn't so steady on his feet like he used to be when he was younger.

There were times that he seemed to fake becoming confused, or forgetting to know which direction to walk to leave the stage or the podium once he finished a press briefing.

President Biden could be funny at times and made jokes towards himself that would often take the edge of his physical or cognitive difficulties.

President Biden has been the oldest American President, so at least he can leave the Oval Office at the White House with something tangible in the history of American politics.

Vice-President Kamala Harris of the United States of America
Kamala Harris

The heat is now on the next Democratic presidential candidate, which is most likely going to be Vice-President Kamala Harris.

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