The London International Post

Afghanistan: The Fall of a Republic

Afghan Armed Forces in Kabul
Afghan Armed Forces in Kabul
  • Taliban commanders gave an ultimatum: surrender or you and your family dies

  • Provincial Guvnor's and political leaders capitulated to the Taliban

  • Military leadership of the Afghan Armed Forces fled, due to no political support

  • Afghan soldiers resigned to the fact of no political or military leadership or support

The shock that the Taliban took the initiative to take Afghanistan by the barrel of a gun, which was illegal according to the deal between President Trump and the Taliban.

The Taliban had planned the rise-up and take Afghanistan by military and terrorist force for many months.

Chatter throughout Afghanistan was heard of deals between Provincial Guvnor's and local politicians and state elders of surrendering to the Taliban, were taking place years earlier.

The military leadership knew that they couldn't rely on the local political structure and framework, so had contingency plans to pack their bags and flee to Kabul or to their cultural and historical areas, where they knew they could have security and safety amongst their people.

The soldiers on the ground could see the unbelievable development and without political and state elder support the fight was futile, so either replaced their Afghanistan Armed Forces uniform for civilian clothing or fled to their own ancestral areas for sanctuary and protection.

There were networks within the Afghan military rank and file that if the politicians capitulated to the Taliban that they could rely on the Panjshir Valley as they are arch enemies of the Taliban and everything they stand for.

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The fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan led to the unbelievable pictures and footage of Afghans fleeing to the international airport in Kabul to be evacuated by the Americans, British, European, and other Coalition Forces that helped to keep terrorism from the shores of the West, Middle East, and other allied democratic countries across the globe.

Scenes of the desperate who clambered upon the wheel arches of the Boeing C17 military cargo plane and in the undercarriage, several Afghans fell off the plane to their deaths, the same desperation Americans, and people from around the world who worked at the World Trade Center in New York on 9/11.

US Airlift tradegy in Afghanistan
US Airlift tragedy in Afghanistan

The Taliban surprisingly worked with American, British, and other Coalition Forces to bring law and order and assist in the evacuation of Afghans who had worked as translators, and those deemed at risk of being persecuted by the Taliban.

Unfortunately, the power struggle had already begun with Islamic State K setting off suicide bombs killing thirteen American soldiers and hundreds of Afghans both killed and wounded at Kabul airport.

While the Taliban may have defeated a free and democratic Afghanistan by threatening to kill anyone who did not surrender and bow down to them whether politically or militarily, they will have a tough time moulding the Afghan people to accept the Emirate and sharia law.

British and Taliban fighters guard Kabul Airport on opposite sides
British and Taliban fighters guard Kabul Airport on opposite sides

Let's see how the Afghan people will rise-up and challenge the Taliban rule, who knows, they may reclaim Afghanistan and return it to the free and democratic country it once was.