The London International Post

Ukraine is being used as a testing ground for Western weaponry

Challenger MKII Tank
British Challenger MKII Tank
  • Putin frightened at the superiority of Western weaponry

  • American, British, German Tanks winning crucial battles with Putin's Army

  • The American HIMARS are pounding Putin's Army deep in occupied Ukraine territory

Since the start of the ill-fated and quite frankly illegal infringement and war against Putin's neighbouring country to his Russian Federation, Ukraine, Western leaders have pulled out all of the stops to arm and rightly so the David in this aggression of a much larger, wealthier, and powerful nation.

The United Kingdom under the stewardship of Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the first Western country to offer military weapons and hardware to President Zelenskyy, so he and his fellow citizens could defend themselves and reclaim lost territory in the eastern part of Ukraine and Crimea, since 2014.

Then the United States started to supply Ukraine with American military weapons and hardware to counter Russian high grade military weapons and hardware levelled against a much smaller neighbouring country.

There were pressures and stresses along the way with the Americans perplexed at Germany's stance of being seen to be on the fence, though what the American Biden Administration didn't realise that due to Germany's history in Europe and the devastating Third Reich of Adolf Hitler that Germany being over enthusiastic in supporting Ukraine would and Putin used this to his advantage of reminding the Germans of what the Nazis did to the people of Russians and also Ukrainians.

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However, since the American Biden Administration got slightly educated as to the complexities of Germany supporting Ukraine the Germans carefully reduced their reliance on Russian oil, which had been a sticking point with President Zelenskyy as Putin was getting $500 million from Germany and the rest of Europe and ploughing this oil profit into his war chest to find the illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Once Germany severed commercial and business links to Putin's Russia, they then looked at ways to support Ukraine's defence of their country and ways for Ukraine to reclaim the east of Ukraine and Crimea.

Ukraine and Russia having a tennis match firing missiles at each other

Putin's strategy to gain Ukraine territory

Ukraine will be Europe's Afghanistan for the Russians

Putin's soldiers raping the elderly in Ukraine

German Leopold MKI Tank
German Leopold MKI Tank

Germany's next move was to supply, like the British and Americans, tanks, small weapons and much sought of ammunition.

American M1 Abrams Tank
American M1 Abrams Tank

So, Ukraine got advanced British, American, German weapons and hardware, which needed several months for the Ukrainians to be trained on how to use such weapons and hardware including missile launchers.

American HIMARS Rocket Launchers
American HIMARS Rocket Launchers

The British and Americans hadn't used such modern advanced military weaponry and hardware, so for the technophiles in both countries it was a case of monitoring the performance and this has led to fine tuning Western military weaponry and hardware.

British Storm Shadow Cruise Missile
British Storm Shadow Cruise Missile

It wasn't until April of 2023 that Ukraine got herself in a position to start to implement all of the tanks and missile launchers and the supply of modern small arms and ammunition to launch a summer offensive to be in a position to finally start to reclaim eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

Putin was plunged into scrambling into searching for countries that would supply his Russian Armed Forces, which even President Xi Jinping did not want China to be dragged into Putin's war with Ukraine, so Putin was relegated into relying on Iran for their suicide military drones to use against the more superior Western advanced military hardware and weaponry.

However, Ukraine was met with heavy resistance by Putin's Russian Armed Forces, and the summer offensive had limited success, with a few villages and towns recaptured.

But while Putin has spoken of his glee of saying that Western advanced military hardware and weaponry is not as superior as people have spoken of.

Putin doesn't understand that the Western military technophiles are hard at work seeing what worked, what underperformed and more importantly what didn't work so well or not at all, and then the last stage is the improvements based on real statistics from battle, which is so invaluable for the development of even better military hardware and weaponry.

There is another important component to the equation to having success on the battlefield and that is how it is being used and operated.

It is still impressive that Ukrainian soldiers and personnel had only a few months of training on equipment that they had not used before and was more digital than what they were used to the analogue equipment of a bygone era of the failed and crumpled USSR regime they endured for over half a century.

As the fighting continues the jury is still out as to how the Russo-Ukraine conflict will end, but what is certain that the new supply of advanced Western military hardware and weaponry will be even better than before and it could be just that edge that really pushes Putin's Russian Armed Forces further back to the borders of the Russian Federation, including Crimea.

Western democracy and life go hand-in-hand with the superior advanced modern technology of military hardware and weaponry that is researched, tested, manufactured, and used to protect Western values.