The London International Post

The State of Israel launches a military fightback against Hamas

Gaza hit by Israeli missiles
  • Iran supported and funded Hamas terrorists to attack Israel

  • The Hamas terrorists breached the border with Israel by air, sea, and land

  • Hamas terrorists went on a rampage of death and rape of Israelis

Hamas has launched an audacious attack on The State of Israel by air, sea, and land under the cover of a barrage of thousands of missiles hitting southern Israeli cities and even as far as the economic and culture capital city of Tel Aviv, including the disputed holiest city Jerusalem.

Israeli intelligence services say that Hamas managed to jam Israeli electronic surveillance equipment along the border between Israel and Gaza.

With the distraction of Hamas mobilising their missile battalion who fire thousands of missiles from several locations within and surrounding the most populated city in the world Gaza.

The difficulty the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has trying to locate where the missiles are being fired is trying to knock them out without causing injury or the deaths of Palestinian citizens.

It is unfortunate that the Palestinians know and are the victims of Hamas who do not want to create all of this violence against their Jewish and Israeli neighbours, are bracing themselves from Israeli retaliation counterattacks.

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The events started early on the morning of Saturday 7th October 2023, where Hamas terrorists fired missiles, launched drones which like in the conflict in Ukraine using drones to drop grenades on Israeli heavy military equipment such as tanks and trucks that patrolled along the Israeli-Gaza border.

Hamas terrorist group fire multiple rockets at Israel
Hamas terrorist group fire multiple rockets at Israel

With the firing of thousands of missiles being launched by Hamas terrorists in multiple cities in Gaza as a distraction, while they broke through the Gaza fenced border on several locations.

Palestinians on a burnt out Israeli tank
Palestinians on a burnt out Israeli tank

The Hamas terrorists that took to the air managed to capture bulldozers to break through the Gaza border fence so that other Hamas terrorists and ordinary Palestinians who wanted to take the fight to the Israelis on The State of Israel sovereign land.

Missiles hit hundreds of targets in southern Israeli cities close to Gaza, as well as further afield in Tel Aviv and even reaching Jerusalem.

The IDF and Israeli intelligence services did not respond to the attacks because they did not know what was happening because Hamas terrorists managed to overwhelm border compounds and even local police stations in the southern Israeli cities.

Once the alarm was sounded the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately organised a Cabinet meeting with top Israeli military and intelligence leaders to look at the facts of the Hamas led attack and to get a military strategy to counterattack against the Hamas terrorists roaming and causing total chaos, carnage, destruction and slaughtering many Israelis and citizens from across the world in southern Israeli cities.

 Israeli Unity War Government
Israeli Unity War Government

Hours later the Israeli Prime Minister told Israelis to take shelter as the IDF chased, cornered, attacked, and killed Hamas terrorists who were driving SUVs firing indiscriminately at innocent Israeli citizens in small villages, towns, kibbutz, and cities in southern Israel.

What is more disturbing is that Hamas terrorists had taken several hundred Israeli hostages ranging from children, men, and women and even the elderly being pushed into SUVs and captured Israeli military vehicles.

Israeli hostages taken by Hamas terrorists
Israeli hostages taken by Hamas terrorists

The Hamas terrorists even took dead IDF soldiers back into Gaza city to parade them to the young Palestinian boys and men who were celebrating this Iran funded and supported Hamas terrorist attack on The State of Israel.

Israeli F35
Israeli F35

The IDF soldiers and special forces as well as F35s and Apache attack helicopters are continuously attacking Hamas terrorist locations in southern Israel and in Gaza itself.

The IDF General stated in a press briefing saying, “Hell will be launched against Hamas terrorists” as the counteroffensive quickly gets underway.

One thing will be certain is that The State of Israel will come out on top, and the full military firepower will undoubtedly lead to many deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, to give the Hamas terrorists a painful lesson on launching such an attack against Israelis, The State of Israel, and the citizens of the world who still believe in peace, harmony, and unity.