The London International Post

Why 'partygate' is not the scandal it's made out to be

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson
Former British prime minister Boris Johnson
  • Using 'partygate' as a plot to oust a sitting British prime minister

  • Boris Johnson won the largest share of votes for the Conservatives since 1979

  • Covid-19 originated from a lab-leak in Communist China

Boris Johnson is getting a lot of flack from Parliament as well as the public over the revelations that he not only broke the Covid-19 lockdown laws that he as prime minister put into place to try and protect the British people from further risk, harm and death.

Boris Johnson even got investigated by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), and subsequently got fined as a result of the police's findings, though his former political partner the then Treasury Secretary now the newly appointed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also got fined with their own preaches of the Covid-19 laws.

But with the politicians within the Conservative Party and across to the Labour Opposition benches in Parliament, Westminster voicing their disagreements with Boris Johnson and leaking and briefing British media and press put the pressure for a police investigation as a means of ousting Boris Johnson from his premiership.

Putting the British and European Union elite now known as 'Rejoiners' were also behind the scenes pulling at the puppet master strings, in targeting Boris Johnson who actually got 'Brexit' done! Not what any of these folks from these quarters wanted as they preach and practice actual 'Marxist' policies, agendas, and propaganda.

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So, the motion was put into place to oust a British prime minister who got the largest vote in British political voting history, which didn't help the 'Rejoiners' and their 'Marxist' paymasters so Boris Johnson would have something that they would have used against him, which has turned out to be the most devastating catastrophic event Britain has faced since World War II, the Covid-19 pandemic.

Then the nail in the coffin for the most voted for British prime minister Boris Johnson was being accused of violating the Covid-19 lockdown laws.

Covid-19 was a lab-leak in Wuhan China

China export of the Coronavirus

Communist Party of China celebrates 100 years

China deconstructing democracy in Hong Kong

Boris Johnson breaching of the Covid-19 lockdown laws had to be called something so the catchy and 'partygate' was coined to really ramp-up anger amongst the British public who tragically lost loved ones to the Covid-19 virus.

What people have not really taken stock of the beginnings of the Covid-19 virus, which was a bunch of Chinese virologists who were wanting to come up with a breakthrough to put Communist China on par with the United States and the West on virology and science technology.

These Chinese virologists at China's main Institute of Virology in Wuhan did not and still do not have proper biosecurity measures and the necessary protocols of an accidental lab-leak to contain the spread and prevent it from spreading beyond Wuhan city.

Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China
Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China

Unfortunately, the Chinese Communist Officials panicked and allowed [Chinese] people to move freely around China and let them even to leave the country and in the end the Covid-19 virus had and is still affecting the whole of the human race.

Boris Johnson not only as a British man, but a person who embraces true democracy and the freedoms we as Westerners and those from democratic allied and aligned countries understand what this means and is important to us.

The idea of 'locking-down' the whole nation was unthinkable and had never been done in the UK, let alone any other democratic country around the world.

However, the decision was made with the help of leading British medical advisors who were trained in medicine or doctors in their own right, to introduce 'lockdowns' to curb the infection rate of this nasty and insidious Covid-19 virus.

The British people thought that by agreeing to a 'three-month' this would stop the Covid-19 virus and everything would return to normality as we know it in the democratic and free nation of the UK.

But after the country ended the first three-month block of lockdown, the Covid-19 infection rate once again rose and several more lockdowns were imposed on the British people.

Boris Johnson even put forth Covid-19 laws, meaning that if you broke the Covid-19 'lockdown' you could be convicted in a British court of law and pay fines of up to £10,000, which some people are still paying off.

However, Boris Johnson did make Covid-19 laws temporary as a true democratic and upholding freedoms this is what put him above the rest of world leaders, as many were concerned of these laws remaining on the legal books to be used against the British people to curtail freedoms in the future by the Government.

Putting all of this aside, many British people who are holding Boris Johnson solely to account have to remember that as a serving Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street is not only the residence of a sitting Prime Minister but the primary function is it is the workplace of the Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson could not run the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by video conferencing alone.

He had to see and discuss with his ministers the business-of-the-day and the latest strategy of dealing with the evolving Covid-19 pandemic in person, which meant summing them to Downing Street.

This is also the case with his staff, who could not do - at times sensitive and high level top secret work from home over the internet.

All of the visitors to including his staff at Downing Street to see and work for the Prime Minister had to be tested for the Covid-19 virus, and like when Boris Johnson's leading advisor Dominic Cummings had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus - they went home to quarantine until they were no longer infectious.

So, this idea that Boris Johnson and his staff were boozing and partying constantly is not a true fact and running the country is different from running a company, it can be and is more stressful as the eyes of the nation and world are on you and the decisions you make.

If Boris Johnson and his staff at Downing Street had moments during lunchtime or in the evening to gather and toast each other on a job well done or policies that are working out for the British people and the country then why not?

When anyone, not a lot of people who become Prime Minister of the UK, actually get into the job it is a lot more stressful than anyone can imagine.

Yes, if you want to become Prime Minister of the UK then you put yourself in that position, but still it takes time to evolve and make this position part of you.

Now understanding a different slant on this whole 'partygate' fiasco it may have put a new twist on this whole saga, which more accusations are flying around about Boris Johnson, which should have alarm bells ringing as this is becoming more of a vindictive 'witch hunt' rather than establishing facts encompassing the full picture and reality of the period of time where we needed a leader to get the job done and be the first to do so.