The London International Post

Communist Party of China celebrates 100 years of brutality, bloodshed and oppression

Communist Party of China celebrates 100-years
Communist Party of China celebrates 100 years
  • Chairman Mao is responsible for the deaths of 100 million Chinese citizens

  • The Chinese Communists seized control in 1949 after a brutual and bloodly civil war

  • The violations of human rights in Hong Kong, Tibet and in Xinjiang

  • Political opposition and the right to practice religion outlawed in Communist China

President Xi Jinping was seen at the gates of the Han dynasty forbidden city in overlooking the celebration of one hundred years of the most brutal and oppressive forms of governance known to man: communism; that eventually took over the whole country after World War II, where the Chinese nationalists helped the allies in defeating The Empire of Japan.

The Chinese Communists led a brutal and bloodthirsty military campaign against Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek the leader of The Nationalists and Chinese nationalists who had been in power before Imperialist Japanese soldiers invaded China in 1937.

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of The Nationalists of The Republic of China
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
The Nationalists of The Republic of China

"The Communists are a disease of the heart!"
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
The Nationalists of The Republic of China

Communism wasn't something the whole of the Chinese population embraced, but the bonding of communism amongst the Chinese only happened by the Chinese fighting together to defeat and send the Imperialist Japanese occupation back to Japan.

The Chinese Communists used this 'togetherness' and 'brotherhood and sisterhood' to brainwash the Chinese people into being apart of something that will be good and healthy for the population, this is a deceitful tactic communists use to make people believe that communism is a good form of governance and is beneficial to the masses.

What the Chinese Communists didn't say was that more Chinese people will be imprisoned, brutalised and executed for not submitting to the whims of Chinese Communist leaders throughout the history of Communist China, which is as unbelievable as it is, and is still happening after one hundred years of Chinese communism.

What communists do not tell you is that they control every aspect of your life.

What job you have, what position in that company or organisation, how much money you are going to earn, where you are to live and what property you're allowed to have, what vehicle you are allowed to have, which may take decades to get and the high probability that you will never receive a vehicle, and how much food you are allowed to have in the shops, where you are allowed to travel to and not out of the country, what clothes you are allowed to wear and whether you're allowed to have a bank account.

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There are other restrictions on life such as not being allowed to work in public organisations, which in a communist state, every organisation and company is controlled by the Communist Party of China, so you'll be reduced to being a beggar, but even that carries a death sentence in communist China.

Chairman Mao is the most well known Communist leader of China and he started the 'Cultural Revolution' during the 1960s.

Chairman Mao was the communist leader of the People's Republic of China
Chairman Mao was the communist leader of the People's Republic of China

The burning of books, tearing down statues of great leaders, and destroying Chinese history was the 'Cultural Revolution' and this made China the poorest country in the Far East and its people lived in fear of reprisals by the Chinese Communists and the Communist Party of China.

Before they were executed in Chairman Mao's 'Cultural Revolution' in 1960s China
Before they were executed in Chairman Mao's 'Cultural Revolution' in 1960s China

The Communist Party of China had spent years in isolation from the rest of the free and democratic world and eventually just like the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) went into bankruptcy.

By the 1990s the Chinese population faced the most catastrophic famine any country had ever faced, but the good nature of Western leaders decided to bring Communist China in from the cold and saved millions of Chinese people from mass starvation.

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With fellow Communist bedfellows The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) under reformist President Gorbachev had collapsed after pillaging the Eastern Bloc countries of all of their minerals and supplies, it had a big impact on the psychology of other communist nations, especially those who relied on USSR subsidies.

In Communist China a vast amount of interaction with the Soviets had ended and a feeling of further isolation and the looming catastrophic famine, meant communism in China was under severe threat.

The deal amongst the Communist Chinese and Western leaders from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal was to democratise China and make them abolish their Communist Party.

The brief civil unrest when President Gorbachev resigned and the Communist Party of the USSR was subsequently dissolved and now banned in Federal Russia, this should have happened in China.

But the Chinese Communists decided on a tactic of delays, which helped to push off of the top agenda of dissolving the Communist Party of China, and with changes in political leaders in the fine democracies of Western and other allied democracies around the world, helped to permanently knock out the idea of freeing the Chinese people from the communist dictatorship.

Now, on the one hundredth anniversary of the Communist Party of China we are staring down the barrel of a gun and the Chinese Communists are very much in charge of most of the key points across the world and we in the West and on other free democratic lands will see more countries falling under the Chinese Communist spell of control and conquer through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), or what is going to turn out to be the Bankrupt and Rule Initiative.

Once every country and person in the world realises that every time you spend a dollar, pound, euro or any other currency for Chinese Communist goods and services you are depleting your own freedom and democracy in years to come.

If the Communist Party of China is so good, why are there so many people of a Chinese background living in the United States, United Kingdom across Europe, down under in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, even in the Americas, though the Chinese that live in Venezuela may wish they hadn't moved there because the same brutal regime under Madura is the same they fled from in Communist China.

The simple reason is that communism is all about controlling and dictating every living being.

There is no room for individuality and making-it-for-yourself, which are the basic principles of freedom and creating your own wealth in a capitalist system.

This is at odds with Chinese and world religions and philosophies and the notion that Man is spiritual.

Freedom, democracy and capitalism is the only way of living and governing.

May the next one hundred years be filled with the destruction of the Communist Party of China and communism across the world.