The London International Post

China deconstructing democracy in Hong Kong

Hong Kong protests against Communist Chinese rule
Hong Kong protests against Communist Chinese rule
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has given cover for the Communist Party of China to implement the National Security Law in Hong Kong

  • The UK warns The Communist Party of China about the Joint Sino-British Agreement

  • The US looks at countering Human Rights abuses of minorities in Communist China

The Covid-19 pandemic, which originated from a lab-leak of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was the greatest gift for the Communist Party of China.

As the world was grappling with suppressing and containing the spread of the Covid-19 virus the Communist Party of China under direct control and orders from President Xi Jinping to deconstruct democracy in Hong Kong under the guise of a National Security law.

The democratic legislative parliament in Hong Kong was subjected to a lot of pressure and the strategy was to subdue Hong Kong legislators, politicians and those holding positions in public office, in the run up to the Hong Kong National Security law being implemented into Chinese Communist law in Beijing.

The response from Hong Kongers was to hold national protests in the once British colony to let President Xi Jinping, Communist Party of China politicians and legislators in Beijing, that Hong Kongers were not going to take orders and laws that deconstructed the democratic framework that was left in place under British governance.

The protests brought Hong Kong to a standstill and created a real headache for the Hong Kong politicians and infuriated President Xi Jinping and the hardline Communist Party of China politicians and legislators.

Still the protests went on for several years and countless warnings from the British government to not deconstruct the democratic framework that Hong Kongers were used to for all of their lives.

But this fell on deaf ears and the Chief Executive (leader) of the Hong Kong parliament Carrie Lam was courted by President Xi Jinping and was invited to special commemorative Chinese events to not only put pressure on her but how to sell it to the Hong Kong population who were and still are vehemently opposed to the encroachment of the National Security law and other Communist regulations and laws to suppress any opposition and freedoms, especially in criticising the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China.

The United Kingdom has stated to President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China hardline politicians that they are collectively violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration signed by Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and British Prime Minister Margarent Thatcher on the 19th December 1984.

The main part of the Sino-British Joint Declaration was to recognise China’s sovereignty and one country, but two systems rule.

This meant that the mainland of the People’s Republic of China was to remain under the control and governance of the Communist Party of China in the capital city, Beijing. While Hong Kong retained the democratic system, which every Hong Konger knew and liked while under British rule.

The Sino-British Joint Declaration was ratified on the 27th May 1985 and was registered in the United Nations on the 12th June 1986.

Due to the fact it was registered in the United Nations it makes it a valid treaty and the rest of the world can force President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China to stick to the Sino-British Joint Declaration treaty agreement.

The United States under President Trump took to task President Xi Jinping over violation of the rights of Chinese people, especially minorities and the deconstruction of democracy in Hong Kong.

Australia and New Zealand has also voiced concerns over the way President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China is behaving in suppressing democracy and the freedoms that goes with it, especially over Hong Kong and minorities such as the Uyghurs, Tibeteans and Tibeteans monks, Christians and many others that live within Communist China.

Since the start of 2021 the claws of President Xi Jinping and the hardline politicians in the Communist Party of China has virtually taken over Hong Kong and the majority of the democratic framework has been dismantled.

It is sad that Hong Kong has fallen to the Chinese Communists who launched a brutal and bloody military campaign to take over and take control of China after the end of World War II.