The London International Post

Ukraine will be Europe's Afghanistan for the Russians

Russian Army burnt out convoy in Kyiv
Russian Army burnt out convoy in Kyiv
  • President Zelenskyy says the people of Ukraine will never surrender

  • UK, US and EU send military and financial support to Ukraine

  • Putin's Russian Army hindered and contained by the will of the Ukrainian Army and people

The invasion of Ukraine by Putin's Russian Army has not gone to plan and is being hindered by the courageous stance by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the no surrender mentality of the people of Ukraine.

This is having an enormous effect on Putin as he tricked his Russian Army into believing that this was a military exercise, rather than a military invasion and subsequent war with a peaceful neighbour.

Putin thought and so did his Chiefs in the Russian Army that Ukraine's would have lined the streets and throw confetti and flowers at the Russian liberators, but has been meant with British, American, and European anti-tank missile launchers and now the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has finally decided that Russia poses a threat to peace in Europe by sending the famed and trusted American anti-aircraft missile launcher the stinger.

The American stinger missiles were used by the Afghan fighters to down Russian helicopters and eventually overthrow the Communist puppet regime in the ten-year war during the 1980s.

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Pound for pound the training the Ukraine Army received from both Great Britain and the United States of America over the years since the illegal annexation of Crimea by Putin's Russia in 2014.

The tactics of the Ukraine Army to take the fight to the Russians and stand their ground across the country is the reason they are containing and hindering the Russian Army's progress.

Invasion is underway in Ukraine

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The clear victory Putin's Russian Armed Forces thought will never end, as if, and when, the Ukraine capital Kyiv falls there will be an insurgency that will last, as long as the last Russian soldier either leaves alive or in a body bag.

Ukraine will become Europe's Afghanistan for Putin and his Russian Army, being funded, and armed by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and European nations and the European Union.

Due to the alarming mental deterioration of Putin many British, Americans and Europeans are joining up into the Ukraine Foreign Legion to help fight to keep or free Ukraine from Europe's superpower dictator.

This conflict in Europe will unfortunately not be contained within Ukraine, but Putin will launch further attacks on NATO countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Albania, and non-NATO European countries: Finland, Sweden, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonian while Moldova has already got Russian troops stationed in the country and will allow Putin to take them over to form a new Soviet style Eastern Bloc.

Map of Eastern Europe
Putin's vision of a new Soviet style Eastern Bloc