The London International Post

The Democrats backed indictment of Trump will backfire

Former U.S. president Donald J Trump
Former U.S. president Donald J Trump
  • The Democrats witch hunt of Donald Trump and his family continues

  • Republican politicians in Congress and the Senate are investigating the President's son Hunter Biden in energy deals with Chinese Communist officials

  • Speculation President Biden has been comprised by Communist China through possible business dealings

The American Democratic Party has finally revealed that they are backing the New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg in prosecuting the former American president, Donald Trump.

The criminal case against Donald Trump is based on one central charge of paying adult actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) $130,000 to remain silent about having a one-time fling during a celebrity golf tournament way-back in 2006.

Stormy Daniels an adult actress
Stormy Daniels an adult actress

Though Donald Trump did not use campaign money but from his own money to keep this matter out of the press and public eye, while he was running for the 2016 Presidential race.

If any American prosecutor in any state wanted to bring criminal charges against former president Donald Trump, they should have done this before the statute of limitations hadn't run out.

Prosecuting Donald Trump now does not make sense as the Stormy Daniels case has legally expired, meaning that if this is the central case against the former president it will likely be dismissed by the Judge in this case.

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New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg
New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg

The Democrat New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg like the Democrat politicians including the current President Biden are licking their lips to see not just any former president in a mugshot and having to have their DNA and fingerprints taken, but archenemy the Republican presidential hopeful and former president Donald J. Trump.

But in this case even if any American District Attorney in any State could level charges against the former president Donald Trump it would not be an easy case to prove that Donald Trump actually used campaign money to pay off adult actress Stormy Daniels.

The impeachment of President Trump goes against the American Constitution

President Trump is hailed as a hero by Iranians and Muslims in the Middle East and beyond

Donald Trump is a billionaire, and paying $130,000 is chicken feed for Donald Trump, so he would not have used the campaign money to pay off a relatively small amount of money to prevent the adult actress Stormy Daniels from revealing this one time fling at a charity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe way-back in 2006.

Michael Cohen forner laywer and District Attorney in the Trump administration
Michael Cohen forner laywer and District Attorney in the Trump administration

Donald Trump's previous lawyer Michael Cohen denied any fling between presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels because she had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), so in Trump's camp they could deny this event as no-one could talk because of the NDA.

However, the biggest problem in this case was that Stormy Daniels felt she had been betrayed in some way by agreeing to be silenced for only $130,000, and when she saw Donald Trump running for the presidency, she must have felt that she should have been paid a few million dollars.

Then having Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen deny any involvement with her, she must have felt wounded as a woman of being reduced to either a liar or insignificant or simply both and this has been hurtful to her ego as a parading and glorified adult actress.

Another point in this messy affair is that Donald Trump may not have known that his former lawyer Michael Cohen made the payment through any presidential campaign money because Cohen was the one to negotiate with Stormy Daniels legal team to pay for her silence.

It is now known as it was revealed that Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels out of his own money and did not receive payment from his client Donald Trump at the time.

However, Donald Trump's friend and former lawyer and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has stated that his client at the time (in 2018) Donald J. Trump has reimbursed Michael Cohen of $130,000 of his payment out of his own money at the time to silence Stormy Daniels.

With the Democrats wanting blood and finding out that Donald Trump's former lawyer and District Attorney in the Trump administration Michael Cohen did in fact make a payment of $130,000, sent the prosecutor to charge Michael Cohen for lying and apparently misappropriation of campaign presidential election money ended up turning Michael Cohen state evidence against his former client.

Michael Cohen eventually got convicted and was sentenced to 3 years in federal prison and he felt abused by Donald Trump, as he was barred from ever holding office in the legal profession.

Denying practising in your chosen profession is a kick-in-the-teeth for anyone, but in Michael Cohen's case he chose to take revenge on his former client for actions that we do not fully know who actually said to pay off Stormy Daniels, other than the fact that Michael Cohen made this payment himself.

Now, being the fact that Donald Trump is one of the most famous Americans since he was building his property and business empire, those that have represented him legally in business deals and other situations and circumstances where Trump needed legal advice or representation his lawyers if they were part of his legal team for a period of time would start to get to know there famous client and certain conversations may or may not have taken place on how to handle 'people' to silence them, especially embarrassing situations that his lawyers may or may not have handled these situations and may or may not tell their client want they have done or what deal had or has been negotiated, just simply saying, “that situation has been dealt with!”

Donald Trump leads a busy life managing his property and other businesses and will have people working for him to sort out what he needs done.

This is the same with people representing him can also do arrange and manage situations or circumstances and choose to contact their client on the end result, but it is not a given that they will disclose all of the nitty gritty details, just that inconvenient or matters that are a thorn are dealt with quickly and quietly as the job requires.

It would be revealing but not surprising that Stormy Daniels was pushed by the Democrats or those that fund their political party and Democrat politicians including the current President Biden to open-up this case to nail Trump so he cannot or doesn't get re-elected as President in 2024.

But this is going to backfire on the Democrats and their financial backers including big pharmaceutical companies, as Donald Trump continuously repeated the corruption of American politicians and the mainstream media also working for corrupt forces to get certain corrupt officials from holding powerful positions including as President of the United States of America.

Many Americans are not happy that the American Justice System is being abused in this fashion and many are likening this continuous 'witch hunt' to that experienced by opponents during Soviet times under Stalin.

Anyone who wants to hold a powerful position like being President will have to think of the damaging forces who wade in and dish-the-dirt on those they deem not-to-fit the establishment's criteria.

This will have a cooling effect and possibly be the last type of people to come forward and become future leaders, especially as the President of the United States of America and the Guardian of the West and aligned democratic countries across the world.

The Trump Presidential 2024 campaign funds have reportedly been boosted by $5 million and the overall figure will rise, especially as Americans unite to want a fairer justice system.

It is the first time a current or former United States President has been indicted on criminal charges.

We may see the Republican Party look at the guilty forces across the chamber in Congress and the Senate at Capitol Hill and may return the favour and launch criminal investigation on Democrats, including Hunter Biden the son of President Biden alleged deals involving Chinese Communist officials in energy deals worth millions of dollars.

President Biden
President Biden

There is also speculation at this moment in time that even current President Joe Biden has been compromised by Chinese Communists officials in his possible involvement in business dealings with Communist China.

This is not a good day for the American Justice System, and time is going to tell as to what the turn-out of this whole saga will be in the next few days or coming weeks.

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