The London International Post

The impeachment of President Trump goes against the American Constitution

President Trump at the 'Save America March'
President Trump addresses supporters at the 'Save America March'

It is evident that the Clinton political dynasty is at work to get President Trump out of American politics for good.

Hillary Clinton was so disappointed and unhappy at losing to the underdog Donald Trump in the US Presidential Election of 2016, that she has been behind the effort to undermine the Trump presidency and administration ever since.

President Clinton and Hillary Clinton
President Clinton and Hillary Clinton

The first wave of attacks on President Trump came with the 'Russiagate' interference in the 2016 US Presidential Election.

Though the FBI investigation under Robert Mueller did not come up with the evidence to implicate President Trump winning the US Presidential Election with the help of the Russians.

The next strategy to reduce the Trump administration was to get dirt to stick by bringing out people from the woodwork to discredit President Trump.

In fact, it is unconstitutional to try and takedown a sitting President, because it weakens the United States and fuels ammunition for America's enemies to use for their own negative propaganda campaigns.

The first impeachment President Trump lost the vote in the House but won a full acquittal in the Senate.

President Trump first acquittal
President Trump first acquittal

The background to the first impeachment of President Trump

The first impeachment was about the withholding of US aid to Ukraine unless the newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky opened up an investigation into the Democratic presidential challenger in the US Presidential Election of 2020 Joe Biden and his son Hunter who worked at the time for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which was being investigated by Ukrainian authorities into its tax affairs, while his father was Vice-President and he used his authority while in public office to lean onto the former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to drop the Ukrainian investigation into Burisma otherwise there would be consequences, such as the withholding of US aid.

It seems on the face of it that whenever a Democratic politician does something like leaning on foreign leaders for favours or concessions it is deemed acceptable. But when President Trump does the same thing it is deemed an impeachable offence. This is what is dividing the United States and the American people.

The next plan to nail President Trump to the cross, was to discredit the people around the Trump administration.

It was the most effective strategy the Democrats came up with, because they all fell down.

But it did not stop there when President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen wasn't happy when he was found guilty of destroying evidence and lying to law enforcement.

But Michael Cohen now a discredited lawyer, not only going to prison but he cannot practice law again.

Furthermore, Mr Cohen turned on his client (so much for client confidentiality) twenty-years President Trump, in a Congressional hearing, orchestrated by the Democrats.

Michael Cohen at a congressional hearing against President Trump
Michael Cohen at a congressional hearing against President Trump

Much to the frustration of the Clinton's and the Democrats, President Trump came out on top.

President Trump at the 'Save America March'
President Trump addresses supporters at the 'Save America March'

Now, the unconstitutional impeachment of President Trump is taking place, under the direction of Democratic politicians, due to the storming of Capitol Hill on the 6th January 2021, after President Trump and his family addressed Trump supporters under the banner of 'Save America March'.

The Storming of Capitol Hill
The Storming of Capitol Hill

But you can only impeach a sitting President, not one that has left office.

A President who leaves office retains the title of President but becomes a private citizen.

President Nixon left office to save himself being impeached over the Watergate scandal, and to stop him being forced to reveal the contents on his covert recordings while in the Oval office at The White House.

President Richard Nixon
President Richard Nixon

So, there is one rule for one president and another rule for another president, which is unfair.

President Trump shook up America and the Establishment did not like it and will never forgive him for it!