The London International Post

President Trump is hailed as a hero by Iranians and Muslims in the Middle East and beyond

American President Trump
United States President Trump

United States President Mr. Donald Trump has been saluted by Iranians and Muslims both in the Middle East region and throughout the Muslim world.

The surgical strike that killed the elite Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani as he left Bagdad International Airport on Friday 3rd January 2020, was greeted with jubilation by Muslims from both the Shia and Sunni sects of the Islamic faith from across the Middle East and the Muslim world.

The reason for the strike was because of Qasem Soleimani’s role in many countless deaths of American, British and the Allied Coalition Force, over a blood thirsty thirty-years of terrorism directed at the West.

The reason President Trump ordered the hit was long overdue and Major General Soleimani was preparing to attack more American and Western interests and assets in the Middle East, including embassies in Iraq.

Qasem Soleimani was a powerful figure in Iran, that extended to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza.

Having a figure like this and being able to control the narrative and cause more countless lives of not only American, British or other Western nationals, but just as important any Muslims that got in his or Iran’s way would be brutally executed in the most barbaric and medieval ways possible.

Qasem Soleimani’s brother is head of Tehran’s Prison System and many Iranian, including dual-Iranian citizens are mistreated, raped, tortured and executed in Iranian prisons under the orders of Qasem Soleimani.

So, Qasem Soleimani’s death is a relief for not only the Americans and her Western and globally allies, but to Iranians and Muslims whether Shia or Sunni.

Why Muslims in the Middle East and across the Muslim world celebrated the death of Qasem Soleimani?

Qasem Soleimani cut his military teeth during the Iran-Iraq War during the 1980s and rose up the ranks as an outstanding and competent military leader.

He became Commander of the QUD Force a division of the Revolutionary Guard, which deals with external military affairs and strategies in foreign countries.

So, the operations he conducted, which made Iran a superpower in the region and beyond is the successful campaigns against opposition forces in Lebanon with Hezbollah gaining not only militarily, but now is part of the political structure of Lebanon.

Similarly, supporting Hamas in Gaza and a minority stake in the West Bank – Palestinian territories have been ambushed both militarily and the political structure to give the Israelis a problem with social uprisings and rocket attacks all paid for by Iran through Qasem Soleimani’s QUD Force.

Stop thumping President Trump

U.S. has Iran mapped out

Since the rise of global terrorism Qasem Soleimani even held talks with the Americans after 9/11 to take out Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. But the Americans soon came to their senses and pulled-out of all possible corporation with the Iranians, especially as American President George W. Bush declared Iran as part of ‘The Axis of Evil’.

During the second Iraq War (2003 - 2011) the Iranians backed militants and terrorist groups to launch a proxy war against the United States and her Allies in the Coalition Force, which injured, maimed and killed many soldiers both in Iraq and later on in Afghanistan, all planned and backed by Qasem Soleimani’s QUD Force.

The Israel-Hezbollah War was planned and conducted by Qasem Soleimani. He later admitted that he was in Lebanon to oversee the military operation against The State of Israel.

Syria descended into Civil War as President Assad started to kill his own people and try to quell Syrians from protesting, who were fed-up with the harsh regime, which started in Aleppo, Northern Syria.

Then later Jihadi groups, organisations and mercenary Muslims started to slip into Syria to fight against the Assad regime and another force came into being - the rise of the Islamic State.

Initially the Islamic State started in 1999-Iraq from known Iraqi criminals, terrorists and sacked military personnel under the leader Abu al-Baghdadi, which started in early 2014 in Iraq and spilled over into Syria later that year.

An overwhelmed, ill-disciplined and poorly trained Iraqi Army and taking advantage the beginnings of the Syrian Civil War, The Islamic State made huge territorial gains in both countries.

At first the United States didn’t initially do anything as they wanted the Iraqis to fight their own battles.

In Syria it was different story as Western Embassies closed and President Assad was deemed an illegitimate President of Syria.

President Assad was very close to defeat and nearly fleeing the country, the Iranians under Qasem Soleimani QUD Force came to the rescue.

The Iranian position was to be allied with a country that isn’t in favour with her neighbours and the opposing Sunni-Arab, Middle East.

The Iranians were just as brutal as Islamic State terrorists in deposing their enemies - either within or externally, all under the direction of the mastermind military strategist - Qasem Soleimani.

The value that Qasem Soleimani had within the Iranian regime

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Major General Qasem Soleimani
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei - Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani

Qasem Soleimani was so well respected that he became the second most powerful person in Iran.

He was promoted to Major General and received the highest Iranian military award Order of Zolfagher by his mentor and friend Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The death of Qasem Soleimani has shaken the Iranian regime and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as they now know America’s ability to attack senior figures in and out of Iran.

What does the aftermath look like?

The only reason the Iranian regime has survived for so many years is because they were isolated and countering Western influence in the region was successfully done by Qasem Soleimani, that trying to take-out the top players was difficult.

However, in today's world of advanced technology it is very easy to launch a drone attack anywhere in the world and target to eliminate the leadership.

The fall-out has already gone and surpassed as the Iranian leadership and President Trump has stated that both countries do not want a war with each other.

After the dust settles over several months each side may use third party countries and institutions in order to set boundaries and possibly some sort of truce, to even out the difficulties Iran has with the West and America.

But the death of Qasem Soleimani will affect how Iran operates in the region and will be more cautious when deciding to attack American and Western interests and assets in the Middle East and beyond.

American President Trump
United States President Trump

At this moment President Trump has to claim victory and his unequivocal response and manner of his presidentship has made the United States of America, the West and in the Middle East a lot more safer for people from all different backgrounds and faiths to live in peace and harmony.