The London International Post

The Council of Europe needs to be reinstated as the United Nations of Europe

The Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg Cedex, France
The Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg Cedex, France
  • The EU has stolen the powers of The Council of Europe

  • The Council of Europe does not take sovereignty from European countries

  • The EU needs to be dissolved and The Council of Europe restored

When the Remainers that have been morphed into the Rejoiners said that Sir Winston Churchill was in favour of the European Union, what he really meant was for The Council of Europe to be a way of uniting Europe and sorting-out any disagreements between European countries, most notably between France and Germany.

The two most troubling countries in Europe, is the bitter rivalry between France and Germany, which certainly led to many wars over the centuries.

If you see that many times the United Kingdom sided with one country in order to defeat France or Germany including at times being pitted against Russia.

So, the time has come to reinstate The Council of Europe and dissolve The European Union as the latter is the imposter institution that has hijacked and destroyed the integrity and sovereignty of European nations.

The only real benefactor of the European Union is Germany. France wants to be the leader in the European Union but keeps getting knocked down by the mighty and industrious German State.

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The southern countries of the European Union have been reduced to mere puppet controlled European Union Member States with Germany pulling the purse strings by having The European Central Bank (ECB) on its own turf - Frankfurt.

If we look at the makeup of the European Union since the departure of the United Kingdom, we have Germany followed by an ambitous France, but then you have bankrupt EU Member States Greece, Italy, The Republic of Ireland, Portugal and Spain.

Then the Eastern EU Member States like Estonia, Hungary, Lativa, Poland, Romania, that are recipients of EU money supplied by Germany, France and to some degree Italy, The Republic of Ireland, Portugal and Spain.

So, the UK has left the EU and that is the same as twenty-plus EU Member States leaving the EU, a huge blackhole will exist for some time, how long is anyone's guess.

The sooner The Council of Europe has got its powers that it once had before the EU was created the better for Europe.

The Council of Europe Chambers
The Council of Europe Chambers

The UK still has a seat despite leaving the EU at The Council of Europe and there hopefully is a rebalancing of the power structure in Europe.

The other thing that needs to happen is the reinstatement of European Economic Community (EEC), which preceded the EU and meant that Member States could trade within Europe as well as the rest of the world.

In a way a European equivalent of the British Commonwealth system, where countries still retain their sovereign rights, which means they can form there own relationships with countries around the world including trade links.

When the wheels start to fall off the European people will demand an end to the European Union and a return to the successful EEC and a proper guarantee of peace with The Council of Europe, where each European country is equal not pitted against the strongest and richest.