The London International Post

The 'Butcher of Tehran' killed in helicopter crash

With one of Iran's most brutal political leaders Ebrahim Raisi death in a helicopter crash has rocked and shaken Ayatollah Khamenei and the rest of the regime.

Former late President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi
Former late President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi

The President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in the north of Iran, together with the Foreign Minister and a number of other government workers as well as the two pilots.

The helicopter crashed in foggy weather, which is dangerous for the pilots as they cannot see the terrain and if they are not competent or haven't had the vital training to fly in challenging weather conditions, this often leads to a crash.

Many helicopter crashes are due to bad weather due to the instability of helicopters in these conditions.

The helicopter wreckage that claimed the life of former late President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi
The helicopter wreckage that claimed the life of former late President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi

There have been many people and famous people who have died as a result of the helicopter they were travelling in crashed, which if it is not due to bad weather, sometimes pilots are unfamiliar with the terrain and end up flying either too low or crash into hills, mountains or other high terrain, or even objects like power lines, buildings, flyovers, or bridges.

The front part of the deceased president of Iran helicopter wreckage is burnt and this suggests that the helicopter hit the ground at a speed of between 65-130 kts, which is under or over 100mph, and at a slight nose down angle.

The official report from the Iranian government stated that the late president of Iran Ebrahim Raisi helicopter had a hard landing, indicating that the pilots were coming into land and misjudged the approach and ended up crashing into the ground.

The pilots were probably highly trained to be flying the President of Iran, so with the foggy conditions, should not have been a problem with these pilots as they would have been highly competent to fly using their navigation and flight instruments.

Upon hearing the news across the world pro-democracy groups and protesters took to Iranian cities to demand for their freedoms and protection of their human rights, which is not recognised under the strict Islamic and Sharia law, which has been the ruling regimes since Ayatollah Khomeini's return from exile in 1979.

Celebrations were seen across major capital cities across the British Isles, Europe, and the United States at the death of Ebrahim Raisi, because of his record of executing millions of Iranians over the past thirty years of working for the Iranian regime.

That is why Ebrahim Raisi was called the Butcher of Iran for his sadistic and brutal mindedness in oppressing and suppressing the Iranian people.

The leadership of Iran is already frightened of the Iranian people who are promoting democracy, freedom, the rule of law and human rights throughout the whole of Iran.

Protests against the regime in Iran
Protests against the regime in Iran

Iranians not just in Iran but across the free and democratic Western world are insisting the exiled Crown Reza Pahlavi to return to Iran and make the country a secular and more Western focussed and friendly international outlook of governance.

Even Iranians in Iran and across the world are starting to wave the Lion and the Sun flags, which was the national flag of Iran predating the oppressive and suppressive Islamic regime.

It is a victory for people wanting democracy with freedom at the death of the Butcher of Iran, as the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) will complete their military mission in Gaza at destroying Hamas leaving the Iranian funded and supported proxy destroyed and defeated and reducing Iran's spider web of influence in the Middle East.

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