The London International Post

Reform UK storming into the Opposition role

The political landscape of British politics has changed forever!

Nigel Farage leader and political MP of Reform UK
Nigel Farage leader and political MP of Reform UK

Nigel Farage has taken the helm as the leader of the aspirational Reform UK political party to overtake the Conservatives in the General Election polls.

As Nigel Farage has stated that the North English vote has grown so much even, he and the Chairman Richard Tice are overwhelmingly excited once the polls open on 4 July, which happens to be Independence Day in the United States of America, which is experiencing a resurgence of another popular political leader Donald J. Trump, Nigel Farage's best friend.

This resurgence is growing across Europe as people are fed-up of the same old elite establishment and going to political parties who were on the fringe and seen with distaste with major established politicians and political parties.


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Why is Reform UK taking the country with conviction and becoming popular with the ever-growing number of young people who are just as disillusioned as the older generations with British politics of wagging fingers and telling voters who they should vote, rather than listening to the concerns of voters of formulating policies that people want.

Over the years the Conservatives have let down the voters with Brexit, not implementing a no-deal option, until the EU bureaucrats came running with favourable terms to the UK in trading mutually.

Another mistake the voters spoke about was the second, third and fourth lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic that originated from a lab-leak from the Virology Institute of Wuhan, China.

The next mistake was the disastrous mini budget from the shortest held Prime Minister in office Liz Truss, which led to the stock market actually rejecting it and causing interest rates to soar overnight like Black Wednesday in the 1990s, again under another sinking Conservative government.

The perfect storm hit Liz Truss as the nations beloved the late HRH Queen Elizabeth II passed away from cancer at the age of ninety-six, and the war in Ukraine didn't help the fact that lots of imported products, goods and food which required the usage of oil and gas soared as well, as Europe grabbed with weaning itself off of Russians oil and gas, that Putin used to fund his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Then came Rishi Sunak the runner up who was the only one left to prop up an increasingly unpopular Conservative government.

Rishi Sunak has worked hard and has brought down inflation and subsequently interest rates were brought down to acceptable levels, but with a heavy cost to the British population who have lost hundreds and thousands of homes in repossess, and just as many small and medium sized businesses, with the occasional heavy weight running out of capital.

Rishi Sunak knows he's days are numbered, and the Conservative Party will become the smallest it's ever been, with some polls suggesting they'll only have 56 seats, while Labour will have another landslide victory like in 1997, when Tony Blair took the revamped New Labour Party to Downing Street, after fourteen-years of Tory rule.

Rishi Sunak was supposed to be off to California joining HRH Prince Harry and his wife Megan Markle, to run capital hedge funds to make more riches for himself and his family.

Reform UK will hold Sir Keir Starmer and his Cabinet's feet to the fire while becoming the best at challenging Labour as the most effective Opposition political party.

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