The London International Post

Trump reinstated on social media

Former US president Donald Trump at the 'Save America' rally at Capitol Hill
Former U.S president Donald Trump at the 'Save America' rally at Capitol Hill
  • Elon Musk took the brave decision to reinstate former U.S President Donald Trump on Twitter

  • Facebook took Twitter's lead and brought former U.S President Donald Trump back

  • YouTube had no choice but to allow former U.S President Donald Trump's channel back online

Donald Trump has been reinstated first on Twitter, then Facebook followed and lastly YouTube has unblocked the former president of the United States of America.

There was outrage not just from Donald Trump supporters but from freedom of speech and expression advocates, groups, and institutions not just within the US but across the globe.

Ever since Donald Trump left office in January 2020 and after the storming of Capitol Hill, there has been a 'witch hunt' to discredit and make it difficult for him to communicate to his supporters about his thoughts and plans to return to the White House.

The Democrats under the Biden Administration do not want Donald Trump to become President of the United States of America again and are making it more difficult for him to return since the ban has been lifted on the three major social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Donald Trump tried to overturn the decision on all three of these social media platforms, but to no avail, so Donald Trump decided to start his own social media platform called: Social Truth.

RELATED STORY: The Democrats backed indictment of Trump will backfire

Social Truth is building up nicely but does have a long way to catch up to its close formatted social media platform Twitter.

We are an independent digital newspaper and welcome financial support to keep our digital web platform continuing our much valued work in highlighting the news and stories that impact us across the world.

However, it is a platform where anything goes and the threat to be cancelled, blocked, or banned from Social Truth is not something users are worried about, as freedom of speech and expression is allowed to the fullest sense of the word.

US billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk
U.S billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk

But since Elon Musk took over Twitter, he has changed the rules and reinstated a huge number of users who were banned from Twitter including the most famous person, former president Donald Trump.

The Democrats backed indictment of Trump will backfire

The impeachment of President Trump goes against the American Constitution

President Trump is hailed as a hero by Iranians and Muslims in the Middle East and beyond

Donald Trump is still battling the censorship of the Democrats as they are seeking to discredit Trump so he cannot run for the 2024 Presidential Elections.

US President Biden
U.S President Biden

The Democrats' misuse of the American Constitution and law is making them look more like the Communist Party of China, in which President Biden and his family are currently being investigated with business dealings with the Chinese Communists.

Let's hope democracy, freedom and the rule of law prevails, like the reinstatement of former president Donald Trump returning gloriously on the major three social media platforms.