The London International Post

The need to close borders to stop the spread of the Covid-19 variants

Closed UK Border
Closed UK Border
  • The Covid-19 is mutating due to open borders and international travel

  • The Indian (Delta) variant is the dominant strain in the United Kingdom

  • The Kent or British (Alpha) variant is the dominant strain across Europe

The Covid-19 pandemic has entered its first year and scientists and health experts have been battling to combat this horrific disease.

There is more understanding about Covid-19 and with the vaccines being administered throughout the world the other problem, which is now becoming a problem is the mutations and variants propping up in certain countries.

With international air travel grossly reduced the Covid-19 virus has several dominant variants that have travelled between continents and countries.

The dominant Covid-19 variant in Europe is the Kent or British (now referred to as Alpha) one and within the United Kingdom the Indian (or referred to as Delta) variant is fast becoming the dominant strain, particularly in the North of England.

Other dominant variants is the South African (Beta) and Brazilian (Gamma) Covid-19 strain that has travelled to North America, Europe and in the United Kingdom.

With most countries now vaccinating their populations and slowly and cautiously opening-up their respective economies these dominant variants are rapidly going through the population.

Now is the need to stop international travel and only allow freight to pass to keep nations supplied with goods and services.

The only reason the Alpha and Delta variants are sweeping through other nations is because of infected people travelling and spreading the Covid-19 variants.

If every country closed its borders and kept up with their rollout of vaccinating their population then this would help to starve the Covid-19 and their variants.

The time frame of closing borders should be at least eight-months if not a full-year.

The health benefits of containing the Covid-19 variants, is that once these strains have greatly reduced, the world can open-up and resume as it was before this terrible coronavirus pandemic entered the human-race.