The London International Post

The world is paralysed by the coronavirus

Wuhan Institute of Virology

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus in Wuhan, China in January of this year the whole world began at first a gradual lockdown; then by March most countries around the world completely locked-down to stop the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The World Heath Organization (WHO) was slow to respond and the world trusted the Chinese government, which gave out two pieces of incorrect information.

The first was that this virus was flu and the other that China had contained the spread of Covid-19 to the Wuhan Province.

Director-General Mr Tedros Adhanom
Director-General Mr Tedros Adhanom

By the time, the Director-General Mr Tedros Adhanom of the World Health Organization, issued the warning of a major pandemic, it was too late for countries around the world to response in time.

Even then most leaders had been briefed that this was only a flu virus and it will run its course through the population, which means the elderly, the sick and the vulnerable would be the ones who would succumb to this strain of coronavirus.

The only leaders who knew of its insidious consequences if left to rampage through the population were neighbouring countries like Vietnam and North Korea and also South Korea because they were trying to deal with their people who had contracted Covid-19 and were seeing the full horrors in their overwhelmed hospitals.

Then when Western leaders from the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States understood the full implications of what Covid-19 would do in their countries they then started locking-down the hatchets and closing their economies.

Then by the end of March the world stopped!

Europe became the new epicentre of the Covid-19 pandemic and Italy was being overwhelmed with thousands of people being admitted to hospital, which soon became overwhelmed.

The death rate in Italy was thousands a day because the Northern region of Italy as the population is elderly.

The Italian government and health ministry were keen to show to the world and just as importantly to other European and Western countries the full horror of dealing with patients with Covid-19.

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson started to order the British people to stop work and social distance from other people not from your household.

Boris Johnson - Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives
Boris Johnson - Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives

The stay at home policy was only enacted as British people thought they would go on holiday around the beauty spots with the United Kingdom.

However, this was not what the Prime Minister or medical experts and scientists had planned, so a new tactic was enforced: Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives slogan was born.

France and Germany closed the border down between the two countries and only allowed freight and essential supplies like cleaning agents and hygiene products as well as medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The United States did not want to close-down the economy and President Trump was at first hesitate but had to concede because the forecast suggested that up to three million Americans would die of the Covid-19 coronavirus alone.

President Trump signs the coronavirus bailout package
President Trump signs the coronavirus bailout package

So, each continent closed-down to weather the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and every city on Earth had come to an eerie silence.

Piccadilly Circus - London in Lockdown Times Square - New York in Lockdown

People became fearful of one another as the invisible insidious Covid-19 coronavirus inhibited people so that its own survival was to past onto the unexpected victim to carry on its most evil act of murder.

As time went on and more cases passed through hospitals medical doctors and medical scientists come see what they were dealing with.

In only a matter of three months people started to get used to the new normal of keeping the safe two metres social distancing measures and just as important stay at home policy so the coronavirus will not break-out in other parts of the country.

Major sporting events and daily and weekly fixtures such as football have been cancelled until further notice.

The film industry has shut down and this includes cinemas, theatres, concerts, and festivals have been cancelled this year.

Due to the restrictions of people congregating places that have closed until further notice are the cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, and pubs.

Wanting a haircut or wanting to keep fit in the gym are all closed until the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is under control.

Predominately rich countries began financial packages to help pay for employee’s salaries while the fightback began against the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Vast amounts of money was used by governments to purchase personal protective equipment which by this time was becoming scarce and in the United Kingdom and the United States major global corporations were tasked with manufacturing ventilators and personal protective equipment to supply the domestic market.

The total cost to every country working to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus will be in the region of $10 trillion.

The richest countries will be able to pay the bill with extra taxation placed on incomes, capital transactions and revenues, import and export tariffs, and the energy and transport sectors.

The poorest countries and continents have put in place extremely limited provisions to help their people cope under lockdown conditions.

Most of the funding the poorest nations require is coming from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The greatest problem in poorer nations is that these IMF loans will be diverted to private bank accounts of corrupt political leaders.

Often IMF cash does not get to the people it is intended to and in Western countries sees a spike in the purchase of luxury high end property and the other wealthy trappings such as cars and private jets.

The thought by many around the world is that they never thought that the viruses from the Far East would be exported to the rest of the world, with devasting effects.