The London International Post

The most bizarre court case of the conviction of Darrell Brooks the Waukesha massacre

Darrell Brooks at his court trial for the Waukesha parade massacre
Darrell Brooks at his court trial for the Waukesha parade massacre
  • Darrell Brooks fired his defence legal team and opting to defend himself

  • During the whole process from jury selection to the end of his court trial his behaviour was most bizzare

  • After being found guilty he will spend the rest of his natural life behind bars

The court case of Darrell Brooks was the most bizarre and at times awkward and disturbing in American legal history.

Darrell Brooks sacked his legal team and defended himself, which meant that he had the choice of asking questions in his defence of his case and cross-examining family members of the injured and deceased, his own family including his ex-wife and police and other emergency workers who attended this most sickening site of death and destruction that Darrell Brooks was later convicted of and is solely responsible for his evil actions.

When he questioned and cross-examined the people who were listed as part of the prosecution and witnesses and people he wanted to help in his defence, they addressed him as Mr Brooks including his ex-girlfriend Erika Patterson, which was so strange to witness in an American court case.

Darrell Brooks shirtless of his orange prison clothing, while protesting in his court case
Darrell Brooks shirtless while protesting in his court case

The outbursts and complaints started early on in the process of picking a jury and this led to Darrell Brooks dismissing his legal team and then decided to defend himself.

Judge Dorow oversaw the Waukesha parade massacre case in Wisconsin, United States of America
Judge Dorow oversaw the Waukesha parade massacre case

Judge Dorow in this case was very patient with Darrell Brooks and did a good job in the most challenging and difficult behaviour that Darrell Brooks presented, though she had to get him to sit in an adjacent court where he could hear and see via a video link so that the legal procedures could continue without him present causing mayhem and disorder.

RELATED STORY: Waukesha parade massacre suspect in court

Darrell Brooks in court, holding an objection sign
Darrell Brooks in court

The video evidence reduced Darrell Brooks to tears and distress as he watched from an exterior viewpoint his destructive actions by driving his red SUV through the parade and causing the deaths of 6 people and causing life changing injuries to 70 people, not to mention the mental scars of those including young children of what they witnessed on that fateful evening in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Darrell Brooks breaks down crying after seeing his evil actions at the Waukesha parade, that claimed 6 lives and 62 injuries
Darrell Brooks breaks down crying after seeing his evil actions

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The main defensive point Darrell Brooks put forward in his court case was that his Ford SUV brakes had a known fault with the Ford company and that he was unable to stop his vehicle, and this is why he ploughed into the parade of people.

The Ford SUV driven by Darrell Brooks, which claimed the lives of 6 people and imjured 62
Darrell Brooks Ford SUV used in the Waukesha parade massacre

This was discounted because if his Ford SUV had a brake malfunction there was no evidence of him trying to warn the pedestrian at the parade by using the horn, or in the last resort of trying to stop this so called 'runaway vehicle' by pulling up the handbrake.

Once this was debunked his case was very thin and while he addressed all of those affected by his actions and including the jury who had to bear witness to the video evidence of these sickening and disturbing images, saying he was very sorry for what happened.

What is interesting and is something that is seen so many times in these court cases is the defendant looks dishevelled, unclean, whacked out on drugs and by the time they get into court to try and get themselves out of their predicament they look clean, together, and not so downtrodden.

The victims of the Waukesha parade massacre
The victims of the Waukesha parade massacre

The tragedy is not only for those that needlessly lost their lives in this particular court case, but the defendant would also not be in court facing criminal charges if they had not got involved with illegal drugs and gangs and once convicted they would not be spending the rest of their natural life behind bars.

It is an unfortunate waste of life all round in the majority of these situations.

Darrell Brooks was convicted on all counts of murder using a motor vehicle and causing injury and was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

He likes so many and in accordance with his rights will appeal and try to get his conviction quashed or lessen, so he can be free one day.

In the American judiciary you only have a limited number of chances to appeal.

Darrell Brooks is currently in Dodge Correctional Institution.