The London International Post

Georgia makes the same mistake as Ukraine

The Prime Minister of Georgia has played to Putin's hand, and will be waving Russian flags when they invade, like Putin ordered with Ukraine

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze

The majority Georgian Dream political party has voted the foreign agents bill into law, which requires that any group or organisation whether public, private or charity needs to go onto a register.

Georgia's population has been protesting against this foreign agents law and has had a considerable amount of international attention and coverage.

Georgians protesting against the foreign agents law
Georgians protesting against the foreign agents law

The United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union have been vocal in their opposition and have put pressure on Georgia's ruling Georgian Dream party to reverse the course of this foreign agents law.

Unfortunately, Georgia's Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze did not waver in his quest of bulldozing this restrictive foreign agents law, which is based on Putin's Russian similar law, and it went through the Georgia parliament on a majority vote.

Ukraine's former second president Leonid Kuchma also did a similar move when the country was allowed to join NATO, but he hesitated and bowed down to Putin's pressure and there are reports that Putin has some unsavoury dirt on him, which he didn't want to be made public.

With Putin ordering the invasion of Ukraine on February 22nd, 2022, because Ukraine was not a NATO member so had no protection against Russia.

The concern is that Georgia is now at risk of being invaded the same as Ukraine was to stop Georgia joining NATO and the European Union, something Putin is against any such expansion of both of these military and civil institutions.

British Prime Minister Sunak and American President Biden
British Prime Minister Sunak and American President Biden

President Biden, Prime Minister Sunak, and EU President Ursula von der Leyen are coordinating a sanctions package to punish Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze and his ruling Dream Party, helping to put Georgia at risk of being invaded and taken over by Putin.

Putin's ambition is to buffer countries with his version of a Soviet style Empire on the Western, Eastern and Southern borders with Russia.

But like Ukraine, Georgia's younger generation want to be free from Putin and Russian influence, and any notion of Georgia's political leaders forming a puppet Soviet style regime.

Georgia's younger generation do not want a Soviet style Empire
Georgia's younger generation protesting against Soviet style law

Furthermore, what makes this the start of something of a worrying situation, is the mass influx of young Russian men who wanted to avoid the draft to fight in Ukraine.

This has caused social unrest in Georgia and now could ignite a mass uprising against the unwanted and suspicious Russian visitors.

Expect more upheaval within Georgia and neighbouring nations of Russia as Putin celebrates his pressure and influence is finally working.

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