The London International Post

American universities are infected by anti-West agitators'

With powerful American individuals, businesspersons, and families including Russia, China, and Iran all attacking the United States of America and the West by funding and supporting these pro-Palestinian groups, to bring down a Superpower and her allies.

Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments on American universities
Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments on American universities

The pro-Palestinian protesting movement that has been engulfing American society and travelling across the Western democratic world are being funded and supported by professional global agitators.

Calling this a movement in wanting to protect the Palestinians is a cover for openly supporting the destruction of not only The State of Israel but of the United States of America itself.

The thousands of professional placards and banners across American universities and their campuses cost a considerable amount of money and your average university student is not going to spend tens of thousands of dollars to produce all of this protesting equipment.

Another questionable thing is the number of tents and support infrastructure such as the supply of water and food, which if you are stuck in a tent or encampment, you in fact need an army of people to essentially go shopping for them.

If you think all of these protesters woke up yesterday and rolled up to build and maintain encampments and think that the people of Gaza needed their support in light of the terrorists of Hamas attacking southern Israel on October 7, you are wrong.

We have seen in hearings at Capitol Hill in Congress and Senate and other independent enquiries heard from the President and leadership of the prestigious Columbia University employed professor who are or have been PLO members, also including groups affiliated to Hamas and to the regime in Tehran, Iran.

Pro-Palestinian Protests at U.S. universities
Pro-Palestinian Protests at U.S. universities

Not doing due diligence of where their professors have not only come from but what are their histories being given employment to teach the future generations of political and government leaders into a false narrative of Middle East politics and broader history.

From the numerous hearings by predominantly [American] Republican Congress and Senate politicians it is clear that eligible professors have been employed for at least a decade enough time to infect American and foreign students of the misleading and false politics and history of the Middle East.

American Hungarian businessman George Soros
American Hungarian businessman George Soros

It has come as a complete surprise that prominent American families such as the Rockefellers and the usual suspect of trying to bring down countries, Hungarian born businessman George Soros.

Why would Westerners want to support and fund hateful groups and organisations that want to see the destruction of the United States of America the Land and the Free and the Guardians of Western civilisation.

It just doesn't make sense.

It is perfectly acceptable to be against Western political leaders and government policy, but to support and fund groups and organisations that advocate the complete annihilation of democracy and freedom and replace it with either suppressive and oppressive regimes embracing communism or perverting and twisting religion to justify leading brutal regimes.

If you think that America or the West is not the place for you then instead of trying to destroy it, go and live in a country that suits the way you want to live.

With the pressure and leadership from Republicans and a few Democrat politicians from the Congress and Senate are formulating legislation to counter this blatant attempt to destroy the United States of America and the West.

This is being extended to The Education Department who have been put on notice and the FBI and CIA are now doing their job in vetting all school and college teachers and university professors to weed out those that have worked for the enemies of the United States of America and the West.

Pro-Palestine Protests at U.S. universities are getting arrested
Clamping down on Pro-Palestinian protests at U.S. universities

As far as the FBI and the CIA are concerned is - no stone will remain unturned!

President Biden has been criticised for placating the pro-Palestinian protesters and appeasing the agitators who are supporting and funding these protests across the streets and campuses in the United States of America.

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