The London International Post

China: export of the Coronavirus

Chinese medical staff treating coronavirus patients
Chinese medical staff treating coronavirus patients

Coronavirus started in the capital province Hubei of Wuhan in China

The coronavirus has come from the wet markets in Wuhan, China

The coronavirus CoVid-19 has come from bats in China

The outbreak has led to a pandemic across the world and has infected every country

The deadliest form of virus has yet again been discovered in China and has now been exported around the world with people being infected with coronavirus and traveling from China to the rest of the world.

The official name is CoVid-19.

A staggering 81,218 people in China have been infected with 3,281 deaths from this lethal Chinese Coronavirus.

History of the Coronavirus

Coronavirus Covid-19
Coronavirus Covid-19

Chinese people have a thirst for eating everything that moves, has led to the formation of the coronavirus.

Wet markets have been the perfect breeding ground for diseases: as wildlife and domestic animals and livestock are slaughtered together.

The wet markets are unhygienic as the different blood groups of the animals get mixed as butchers and customers walk around with blood on their shoes.

The first area to have created the perfect environment for coronavirus is in wet markets in the capital province Hubei of Wuhan in China in December 2019.

What does coronavirus do?

The strain of Coronavirus known as COVID-19 affects the respiratory tract in humans.

Since it affects the human airway system the medical term is known as causing serve acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

The coronavirus CoVid-19 is a form of the SARS family of diseases.

What is SARS?

Serve Acute Respiratory Syndrome was recognised in the end of February – 2003 by The World Health Organisation (WHO).

Where did SARS start from?

SARS came from Yunnan province in China and the main factor is that it is the first of the coronavirus family known in medical terms as SARS-1, SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1.

What has SARS CoV-1 have in common with CoVid-19?

The coronavirus is from bats. The reason the coronavirus has been transferred to humans is due to the slaughter of bats at Chinese wet markets and transferring bat-blood as well as the Chinese eating bats in bat-soup.

Bat soup in Wuhan, China
Bat soup in Wuhan, China

Therefore, the family of coronavirus is expanding in China due to the low standards in hygiene especially at wet markets and the thirst of eating animals that are classed as vermin: bats, foxes, mice, pigeons and rats.

The impact across the world

Every country is infected with the coronavirus - CoVid-19.

There are 445,854 confirmed cases

There are 19,786 confirmed deaths

There are 112,037 confirmed cases who have recovered

The worst countries infected

China: 81,767

Italy: 69,176

United States of America: 59,966

Spain: 47,610

Germany: 35,714

The Islamic Republic of Iran: 27,017

France: 22,304

In Depth of these infected countries

China is the where coronavirus CoVid-19 started from has the most cases, but Italy has the most deaths, which is rising at an alarming rate with 6,820 dying after testing positive for the virus.

The reason why Italy has had the most deaths outside of Chinaand the world’s epicentre is because of the highest population of the 65+ year-olds.

But in the last few days Italians in their thirties and early forties are starting to be hospitalised and requiring intensive care.

In the United States of America – New York with 20,000 New Yorkers suffering from the outbreak of the coronavirus CoVid-19.

Another European country Spain has the deaths from coronavirus CoVid-19 is rapidly rising towards 3,500.

The largest European country Germany has 35,714 and a small number of people dying, which currently stands at 181.

The Symptoms of the Coronavirus

These are most common symptoms you’ll have with the coronavirus CoVid-19 are:


Sore Throat


Breathing Difficulties

If you suffer from these contact your local medical centre or go to your local hospital to get treatment.

Most people who get coronavirus CoVid-19 recover with a very small percentage of people receiving intensive care treatment.

Majority of deaths are occurring in people aged 65+, but in some countries the age range can be from babies up to 65-years old.

Symptoms of the Coronavirus
Symptoms of the Coronavirus

Prevention of the coronavirus

The simplest thing people can do is to have no-contact or the littlest-contact with another human being.

If you are going outside social distancing of up to 2 metres (6 feet) apart from another person is compulsory.

Do not let anyone breathe, cough or squeeze near, in-front of you as the coronavirus travels in minuscule droplets from an infected person.

If you cough or squeeze cover your mouth with the bend of your shoulder or into a tissue and immediately throw it away in the rubbish bin.

As major cities, towns and villages in every country practice either a partial or full lockdown; staying at home is the most effective way to prevent the coronavirus from spreading and causing outbreaks in the community.

These simply actions can be undertaken from everyone who are still alive on this Earth!

Preventing from getting the Coronavirus
Preventing from getting the Coronavirus

Source of the information on Coronavirus CoVid-19 from the World Health Organisation.