The London International Post

Killer police officer gets whole life sentence

Killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens
Killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens
  • Wayne Couzens given a whole life sentence

  • Wayne Couzens was a criminal with a police badge and uniform

  • Sarah Everard's fate was sealed once handcuffed and place in his hired car

  • Wayne Couzens chose his hometown to commit rape and murder

Wayne Couzens has received a whole life term for the kidnap, rape, and murder of Sarah Everard at the Old Bailey, on 30 September, Britain's highest law courts that often deal with high profile and the worst legal cases for horrendous crimes.

The tragic circumstances surrounding this case has shocked the nation, if not across the world of a serving British police officer using his badge, uniform, and power of authority to seek, falsely arrest, rape, and kill his victim: Sarah Everard.

Sarah Everard
Sarah Everard

What led to this fatal encounter was planned by Wayne Couzens a week prior.

Wayne Couzen hired a car, thinking quite foolishly, that it wouldn't be traced back to him, and went to a local supermarket to purchase items used as part of his sick 'rape kit' and later buying products to destroy any links to him, including petrol after he murdered Sarah Everard.

That night he cruised the streets of South London after completing a shift working at the United States Embassy in Vauxhall, looking for an appropriate victim, which he saw in Clapham, when Sarah Everard who was walking alone and an ideal candidate for what horrors that was going to unfold.

Dashcam footage of killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens falsely arresting Sarah Everard
Dashcam footage of killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens falsely arresting Sarah Everard

In this digital age we live in and literally everyone having mobile phones with video and camera capabilities, as well as dashcams on many cars, buses, and delivery vehicles, ironically a passing police car and a bus picked up Wayne Couzens apprehending Sarah Everard and arresting her on violating Covid-19 protocols and laws at the time of not socialising with people not in your household.

Though we will never know what the conversation was between serving killer police officer Wayne Couzens and Sarah Everard; though technically she wasn't breaking the law when he stopped her as she was allowed to go for an hour's exercise per day; even though she had been at a girlfriend's house and therefore she was walking to her home along Poynders Road, south London.

Dashcam footage of killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens put Sarah Everard in the back of his hired car
Dashcam footage of killer Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens put Sarah Everard in the back of his hired car

Footage shows Sarah Everard in the rear passenger side of the serving killer police officer Wayne Couzens hired Vauxhall car, who had been by this stage handcuffed, so her fate was unfortunately and tragically sealed.

Once the sick serving killer police officer Wayne Couzens had Sarah Everard in his hired car, one can only imagine that she would have not realised the evil purpose of Wayne Couzens' motives, until he kept driving out of London towards Kent, some sixty miles from where he had falsely arrested Sarah Everard.

What must have gone through her mind as she realised that something wasn't quite right unless sick killer police officer Wayne Couzens gave her a false reason why he had to drive her to a police station in Kent.

Once in Dover killer police officer Wayne Couzens swapped cars for his SEAT and with Sarah Everard drove to Shepherdswell to rape and then murder her.

Sarah Everard would have realised that the situation she was in was going to involve her experiencing some physical harm of rape but may not have thought this was the night she was going to lose her life.

People, especially women who have survived being kidnapped and raped, describe what they did to walk away alive.

They say that they were compliant with their abductor, even if that means being raped by them.

The next stage is to befriend their abductor and create a 'relationship' with them to gain their trust, in the hope of being allowed to have privileges like greater 'freedom'.

So, one can only imagine that when the killer police officer Wayne Couzens decamped with Sarah Everard out of his hired car to his car, she would realise the unthinkable, but then the natural survival mode would kick in and she would have accepted that Wayne Couzens wanted to rape her, so going into an unimaginable mindset of allowing this to happen as a way of surviving this horrendous situation.

The sick killer police officer Wayne Couzens held Sarah Everard for approximately hour where he violated her, but we will never know how many times he raped her, until he decided that to not get caught, he needed to murder her by strangulation, as the dead cannot speak.

Many criminals including this sick killer police officer Wayne Couzens, do not think they will get caught for their crimes, but British police and the amount of CCTV, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras dashcams within the United Kingdom is high, so somewhere they'll be footage at some-point of the moment the crime is being undertaken.

When the police were investigating the missing persons enquiry of Sarah Everard raised by her boyfriend, the moment they knew that one-of-their-kind, a serving police officer had something to do with her disappearance they would have been shocked.

Credit to the British Police Service that when they find a serving, or even a retired police officer has committed a crime they go after them with such rigor, to show to the public that criminal behaviour amongst their ranks will not be tolerated.

In the sentencing the sick killer Wayne Couzens to a whole life sentence, Lord Justice Fulford said, “the most impressive police investigation that I have encountered in the 30 years”.

Wayne Couzens at the Old Bailey receiving his whole life sentence
Wayne Couzens at the Old Bailey receiving his whole life sentence

The plot to this tragic and horrendous case gets viler and eviler, as when police detectives went to Wayne Couzens' house to interview him, at first, he denied ever meeting Sarah Everard; then came his excuse of an Eastern European gang that he had tried to rip-off one of their prostitutes blackmailing him to find 'another woman' to make amends for his discretion against this criminal gang.

The thought of a person, let alone a serving police officer going out to get a member of the public to payback a sex-trafficking gang, is the uttermost scum of the gutter.

A human being kidnapping in this case a woman to satisfy a criminal gang is truly unfathomable.

Wayne Couzens came up with this excuse to save his family from the wrath of this fictitious Eastern European sex-slave gang, which is very disturbing.

He was a serving police officer who could have spoken with his fellow police colleagues and superiors who would have done a sting, using a female police officer as bait then arresting this so-called Eastern European gang.

Yes, it would have been embarrassing for him, which could have led to his demotion or being dismissed from the police force, but this would have spared an innocent victim.

This heinous crime doesn't end with the discovery of Sarah Everard. Her body was burnt, and the remains left in a nearby pond to decompose. This prevented her parents, family, and friends from seeing her complete for a final farewell, if they wanted to view her body.

Like every other country around the world the United Kingdom has seen its fair share of heinous crimes, but nothing like this from a serving police officer.

Protesting against the Metropolitan Police Service
Protesting against the Metropolitan Police Service

Like all tragic cases this has led to a renewed campaign to improve the rights of girls and women. Furthermore, the need for misogyny to be stamped-out and to tackle violence against females, which ends in a lot of deaths each year at the hands of men.

The risks to girls and women may fall, but you cannot make life-free from risks and no amount of vetting will truly eradicate these risks.

Wayne Couzens is now serving his sentence in Belmarsh maximum security prison in Woolwich, Southeast London for the rest of his natural life, if he doesn't commit suicide or isn't murdered himself by an avenging prisoner.

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