The London International Post

The Brexit Party leaves the European Parliament and the European Union

Nigel Farage - The Brexit Party in the European Parliament
Nigel Farage - The Brexit Party in the European Parliament

Nigel Farage the leader of The Brexit Party said,“We love Europe and want to be friends and trading partners with Europe, but not with the European Union!” in his finally speech in the European Parliament while waving the Union Jack with the other 28 Brexit MEPs.

Nigel Farage also stated that waving your national flag is not allowed in the European Parliament, which shows the destruction of nations and sovereignty of Member States.

Mairead McGuinness - First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Mairead McGuinness - First Vice-President of the European Parliament

The response from the First Vice-President of the European Parliament Mairead McGuinness was to “take your flags and leave” and continued saying, "that it was a sad day that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had left the European Union" and added that the UK would be "welcome back in the future if the British people wanted to re-join the political union of the EU".

This is the greatest victory of not just a political movement but of being successful in fulfilling the will of the people and finally after a tumultuous 40 year relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area, which later morphed into the political union of the European Union.

Membership of the EEC and the EU was a contentious subject, which never sat well, with the majority of the British people, due to the restrictions of who to trade with and later on who made the laws and effectively ran the country.

When the Lisbon Treaty was finally completed The Republic of Ireland and Denmark had a referendum on whether the governments should sign up to this treaty, which stripped huge chunks of sovereignty and exported them to European Union institutions.

The Irish and Danish voted to reject their countries from signing-up to the Lisbon Treaty.

Unfortunately, the European Union does not like democracy and ordered the Irish and Danish to vote again until both countries population bowed down to the European Union and voted to ratify the Lisbon Treaty and surrender more sovereignty and powers to the European Union.

Gordon Brown former British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown former British Prime Minister

In the UK the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown didn’t allow the British people to have a say or referendum, even though there was a major campaign to warn the British people of the dangers of the Lisbon Treaty and just signed more British sovereignty to the European Union.

With the determination of Nigel Farage over the last twenty-five years of campaigning first with being the leader of the UK Independence Party and more recently his own political party The Brexit Party, forced the agenda of giving the British people a say on whether the UK should surrender all of her rights, laws and sovereignty to the European Union.

With the 2015 General Election the UK Independence Party (UKIP) took four million votes from the Conservatives, which forced former Prime Minister David Cameron in holding a referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union.

David Cameron former British Prime Minister and Jean Claude-Juncker former President of the European Commission
David Cameron former British Prime Minister and Jean Claude-Juncker former President of the European Commission

David Cameron tried to renegotiate the membership of the European Union, but the EU President Jean Claude-Juncker wasn’t listening and refused to budge – thus the fightback to regain the sovereignty to the British people and the United Kingdom was set.

Brexit Won

The EU isn't working

Red, White and Blue Brexit

Why the UK voted out of the EU?

Europeans reject the European Union

Despite a 52% majority of the British people voted to leave the European Union, the EU and the Remainers united to stop the UK leaving the EU.

Jeremy Corbyn Opposition Labour Leader and John McDonnell Shadow Treasury Secretary
Jeremy Corbyn Opposition Labour Leader and John McDonnell Shadow Treasury Secretary

Even staunch leavers of the European Union including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Shadow Treasury Secretary John McDonnell either abstained or didn’t want to reveal their opposition to the EU, due to the infiltration of the Communists and grass roots far-left group Momentum.

The Conservatives elected Theresa May as the new leader and shortly afterwards lost a majority in the 2017 General Election, which was propped-up by the Northern Irish – Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

Theresa May former British Prime Minister
Theresa May former British Prime Minister

Theresa May was a Remainer and wanted a more easier Brexit agreement, which meant a closer alignment with the European Union.

Furthermore, Gina Miller a Remain campaigner took the government to court over the way Brexit was being handled and not only delayed the UK leaving on the 29th March 2019 but halted the Brexit campaign.

Gina Miller Remain Campaigner
Gina Miller - Remain Campaigner

This was a chance for Nigel Farage’s – Brexit Party to contest in the European Elections, which saw a record number of British MEPs mostly from The Brexit Party, showed the nation and European Union that the British people were not going to change their minds – like the Irish and Danish did in their referendums during the Lisbon Treaty negotiations and ratifications in 2009.

Nigel Farage leader of The Brexit Party
Nigel Farage leader of The Brexit Party

Another Conservative leadership contest and a new leader emerged and became Prime Minister - Boris Johnson.

The British Parliament was being paralysed by a zombie parliament of indecision and voting against any form of Brexit, which had hardened under Brexiteer Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson the British Prime Minister
Boris Johnson the British Prime Minister

Another General Election shook the nation with a Conservative landslide victory and reduced Labour MPs in the safest seats for a century voted Blue for the first-time, due to many Northern cities voted to overwhelmingly leave the European Union.

Surprisingly, The Brexit Party helped to remove Remainer Labour MPs and from other parties including the Change UK Party made up of a few Remainer Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats who all lost in their constituencies and Boris Johnson and the Conservatives understood that “Leave definitely means Leave!” and the British people will not stand for anything less.

Now, under constant threat from revolt under the Premiership from Boris Johnson’s Conservative Government the United Kingdom finally left the European Union on the 31st January 2020.

Brexit Party MEPs leave the European Union
Brexit Party MEPs leave the European Union

Then the celebrations just begun!