The London International Post

The Brexit Election

Boris Johnson
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing the General Election

The announcement of another General Election by the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson begins the race for the keys to Number 10, which is the most important election that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This election is mostly about Brexit.

Whoever gets into Number 10 will navigate the UK’s departure from the European Union, that’ll have the biggest impact since the declaration of War against Nazi-Germany in 1939.

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage leader of The Brexit Party

Nigel Farage began The Brexit Party campaign with the challenge of every parliamentary seat held by all of the major parties on mainland Britain.

However, Nigel Farage who is the director of The Brexit Party election campaign, rather than standing as a candidate has announced that The Conservative Party has shifted its Brexit from the European Union with a harder departure than previously announced by Conservative leader Boris Johnson.

Now The Brexit Party will not stand at 317 Conservative Party seats won in the 2017 General Election, but will now focus on Labour seats, especially in the North of England, with 5 million Labour voters who voted to Leave the European Union in the 2016 Referendum.

The Conservatives now want Nigel Farage to remove Brexit Party candidates in Labour held seats as The Tories seek blood with their main archenemy Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the emergence of the Remain Alliance across the while of the Union of the United Kingdom.

Whether this will happen as getting Brexit done, is the priority of Boris Johnson and his compatriots in the European Research Group of Conservative MPs.

This General Election is the most strategic campaign of any election held in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Even the electorate is weighing-up in their respective constituency on whether their vote will count or as a result of them voting who will be the likeliest candidate to become the next Prime Minister and their vision of Brexit and the future relationship with the European Union.

The Conservatives want out of the European Union, while The Labour Party have this strange deal that will result in keeping the United Kingdom in the European Customs Union and Single Market, then have another referendum, whichever way the British voters would vote it will mean the UK will never leave the EU and disrespect the 2016 EU Referendum and the will of the British people of 17.4 million – 52%.

The Liberal Democrats ever increasing undemocratic voice of Stopping Brexit policy with the possibility of being included in the Remain Alliance together with The Scottish National Party, The Green Party, Change UK and Plaid Cymru and Northern Irish remain political parties.

The Remain Alliance
The Remain Alliance

The newly appointed leader of The Liberal Democrats Jo Swindell stating that European Elections and the recent by-election of the Welsh parliamentary seat of Brecon and Radnorshire is an indication that all the Lib-Dems voters want to Stop Brexit.

But these elections were not solely about Remaining in the European Union they were more about local issues and that the electorate were not happy with the delaying of Brexit by The Conservative Party under Theresa May and the counter-argument and delay tactics of The Labour Party, which swung votes to The Liberal Democrats.

The Scottish National Party is focussing on independence of Scotland from the Union of The United Kingdom, but then trying to bolster their support by including membership of the European Union.

The Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon
The Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon

What Nicola Sturgeon isn’t declaring is that Scotland is the worst-off under The Scottish National Party and covering this up by wanting to split from the Union of the United Kingdom and handing over sovereignty to the European Union, which can be blamed rather than the SNP for future failures and incompetency of running Scotland.

The same problem exists in Wales under Plaid Cymru, but the Welsh voted to Leave the European Union by 52.5%.

Anna Soubry leader of Change UK
Anna Soubry leader of Change UK

Anna Soubry who is the few remaining members of Change UK, isn’t about changing the United Kingdom but wanting the same status quo of Remaining in the European Union and governing the UK with a mixture of decades old Conservative, Labour and Liberal policies.

Surprisingly the UK Independence Party (UKip) may surprise in this General Election by getting a sizable national vote, if The Brexit Party is seen as a Conservative extension and positioning themselves with Boris Johnson’s harder Brexit-EU deal, The Withdrawal Agreement Treaty.

Whichever way voters vote it will be the most contested General Election ever seen in the history of The United Kingdom.