The London International Post

Somali terrorist murders British politician

British politician Sir David Amess murdered by Somali terrorist, the Member of Parliament for Southend West
British politician Sir David Amess the Member of Parliament for Southend West
  • British politicians shocked at the senseless murder of Sir David Amess MP

  • Southend West constituents speak fondly of their beloved MP, Sir David Amess

  • Sir David Amess MP was a lifelong campaigner for the people

Somali terrorist murdered British politician Sir David Amess MP in a brutal slaying in a Leigh-on-Sea Methodist church in Essex, whilst holding a surgery for local constituents.

The Somali terrorist known as 25-year-old Ali Harbi Ali was arrested by armed police at the scene, while Sir David Amess MP was fighting for his life after being stabbed multiple times in this terrorist attack.

What is not known at this time as the counter-terrorist police have taken control of this case and are trying to establish the motive for targeting Sir David Amess MP.

Sir David Amess MP was a very well-liked politician amongst his Southend West constituents whom he fought hard to represent, especially when all hope was lost in dealing with local and national governmental institutions.

He also embraced difference and diversity, which many who knew him came from his strong Catholic religious belief, in his Southend constituency, which many who represent the huge spectrum of the divest community have spoken out at the fact that Sir David Amess MP was a man of the ‘people’ who had time for everyone and championed many causes in the pursuit of helping-out fellow human beings.

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Elected in 1983 for Basildon and due to boundary changes he became the Member of Parliament for Southend West in the 1997 General Election and had no desire to become a Cabinet member, remaining as a backbench politician for thirty-eight-years, until his murder.

Sir David Amess MP saw many changes including Prime Ministers on both sides of the parliamentary benches, often had differences with politicians on all sides, but many politicians past and present have spoken of his respectful manner even when political ideas differed.

The brutal murder of Sir David Amess MP is even more shocking, surprising, and senseless, which has everyone including his family, friends, and associates in disbelief in this unfortunate situation.

Counter-terrorist police searching the home of Somali terrorist Ali Harbi Ali
Counter-terrorist police searching the home of Somali terrorist Ali Harbi Ali

The counter-terrorist police who are conducting this investigation have been granted more time from Westminster Magistrates Court to continue to interview Ali Harbi Ali in relation to the brutal terrorist murder of Sir David Amess MP.