The London International Post

Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Nigel Farage - Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Nigel Farage - Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Democracy and the rule of self-governing was the loudest theme during the Brexit Day celebrations

The European Union came in for criticism for becoming a federal superstate

The British Establishment and British MPs were singled-out for frustrating Brexit and preventing the UK from leaving the EU over the past three and half years

The celebratory fever prevailed over the cold damp night, with a new optimistic outlook for an independent nation - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Brexit Day celebrations marking the United Kingdom leaving the European Union happened in Parliament Square on the 31st January 2020.

What a crowd that turned-up waving proudly Union Jacks, the George Cross, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish flags.

Union Jack, The George Cross, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish Flags in Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Union Jack, The George Cross, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish Flags in Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

There was music by a host of different singers and bands including the backing band The Brexit All Stars.

Singer Max Willcock at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Singer Max Willcock at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

There were Frexit and Nexit signs and flags as well as the solidarity with the United States as the Stars and Stripes waved to give a clear message of finally after three years of Brexit negotiation disasters and a parliament which was mainly made of Remainers wanted to stop Brexit by frustrating the 17.4 million leave voters into submission.

United States Flags in Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
United States Flags in Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

During the build-up a video was shown charting the start of the United Kingdom becoming part of the European Economic Community (EEC), which later morphed undemocratically into the political institution the European Union (EU).

The audience booed when the BBC logo appeared as many saw the national broadcaster being biased towards the United Kingdom remaining in the European Union.

The rejection of past prime ministers, political leaders and MPs who voted for the United Kingdom to remain or signed-up to the Lisbon Treaty (Gordon Brown), came out loud and clear of the long road to British independence from the European Union.

The audience cheered the late and former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher when she said, “No, No, No” to more integration and the loss of British sovereignty to the European federal project.

When Nigel Farage came on as the then Ukip MEP and later the leader the audience cheered and chanted,“Nigel, Nigel, Nigel! We want Nigel!”

Brexit Won

The EU isn't working

Red, White and Blue Brexit

Why the UK voted out of the EU?

Europeans reject the European Union

Especially when Nigel Farage asked, “Who are you? No-one in Europe knows who you are? Who voted for you?” when the first permanent President of the European Council – Herman Rompuy, had his first appearance in the European Parliament.

When the European Parliament erupted Nigel Farage replied,“Oh! I know democracy is not popular with you lot!”

Then the video footage showed Nigel Farage campaigning as the founder and leader of The Brexit Party addressing Brexiteers up and down the country as the campaign for the European Elections took place, due to British MPs who kept wanting to stop the United Kingdom becoming an independent nation.

The Start with an Introduction from The Chairman of The Brexit Party - Richard Tice

The Chairman of The Brexit Party Richard Tice started the proceedings and addressed the audience on this historic event and said,“We are here tonight at the mother of all parliaments” then adding,“The big winner here is democracy. Its democracy that prevailed over the establishment. Its democracy that prevailed over big business and project fear. Its democracy that prevailed over the mainstream media.”

Richard Tice at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Richard Tice at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

This wasn’t about party-political colours, but the unity was for democracy and the right for free people to decide how they should be governed.

Guest Speakers

Richard Tice started to introduce the guest speakers and first up was the titan of British politics Ann Widecombe to address the audience.

Ann Widdecombe at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Ann Widdecombe at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

“We did it!” was the opening to her speech and wanted to direct it to Number 10 the British Prime Minister’s Office, so that they understood what leave really means for Brexiteers.

Ann Widdecombe mocked the UK-EU negotiations with what is being spoken about a“level plaining field” where lead EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has warned that the United Kingdom shouldn’t become more prosper than the European Union.

The theme of the Brexit Day celebrations was the fact of deciding as a free nation,“who we trade with”, “our laws” and “how we control our borders”.

Hammering the point that “The Brexit Party was the largest political party in the European Union” and helped to get the United Kingdom out of the “morass” that had sung the nation and crippled Parliament, which was stopping the UK from leaving the EU.

Addressing the fact that the “ordinary people” who just wanted to “live in a free a country” and the fact that the “UK is the fifth largest economy in the world, we don’t need anyone to prop us up” sent out a defiant message to those that wanted to subscribe to a [European] “Super-State” rather than having a “Sovereign-State!”

She ended by thanking everyone involved in making Brexit happen and Nigel Farage who has spent twenty-five years in getting the United Kingdom out of the European Union.

Tim Martin at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Tim Martin at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

The next guest speaker was Tim Martin - Wetherspoons pub chain boss briefly spoke of being with “one with our friends and allies in Europe”, which makes a distinction between Europe and the political institution of the European Union.

Tim Martin thanked the contribution to European citizens who have made the United Kingdom there home.

While Brexiteers won the battle of leaving the European Union Tim Martin said to the Remainers, “let’s stay friends!”

The biggest criticism of British MPs and others from the Remainers camp, was the fact that leave voters didn’t understand, “what they we’re voting for” which Mr Martin rebuffed and stated to the enthusiastic audience, “We did know what we voted for!”

The second point Tim Martin wanted to say, “Voting for Brexit was a vote for democracy”

As a businessman Mr Martin made the point of “having a deal” was a dangerous thing to say, because as he outlined that when the Americans got their independence from Great Britain, they [the Americans] didn’t do a deal at the Boston Tea Party!

Success came to countries who got independence with democracy and returning to the “deal” with the European Union he stated that it should contain: Dear Barnier, we will trade with you without tariffs - that’s it!

Richard Tice introduced John Mills MP who was Chairman of Labour Leave and Vote Leave who had campaigned to leave the Common Market and subsequently the European Union since 1975.

John Mills MP at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
John Mills MP at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

John Mills MP spoke about "food prices rising" and the "agriculture and fishing industry" decimated by the European Common Market and decades later the European Union.

John Mills MP said,“We have won a victory, but not the war!”

John Mills MP said that we need to “hold Boris Johnson to account” and not let those that want to keep the United Kingdom in the European Union and its institutions to succeed and betray the trust of the British people and the 17.4 million of Brexiteer voters.

Richard Tice introduced leading talkSport radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer, who came onto the stage showing great grace and elation to address the audience in a very joyful manner.

Julia Hartley-Brewer at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Julia Hartley-Brewer at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Julia Hartley-Brewer said, “We are being told not to rub the noses of the Remainers in celebrating the UK leaving the European Union” adding “Accept the democratic mandate for Brexit to happen” continuing with “Holding out the hand to Remainers in coming together” and “As a proud independent nation state once again”.

Michelle Dewberry at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Michelle Dewberry at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Next up Richard Tice introduced businesswoman Michelle Dewberry and presenter on The Pledge - Sky News current affairs weekly programme: addressed the audience by saying, “We’ve been called names, dismissed, been criticised” for voting Brexit and wanting to “leave the EU”.

"As of the 31st January 2020 there are no Leavers and Remainers, but we are all Leavers!"

Ending with, “This isn’t for them over there (pointing to the Houses of Parliament) and the elite but to the people who voted to leave the European Union."

Richard Tice introduced Conservative MP and stalwart Brexiteer Peter Bone, who had challenged from the backbenches for the past three and half years over the direction of the Brexit policy the British government had adopted under Theresa May’s premiership.

Peter Bone MP at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Peter Bone MP at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Peter Bone MP ran the Grass Roots Out and “waited thirty-years” for this day and said, “We are going to leave the European superstate. The establishment wanted to keep us in an undemocratic, wasteful and costly Federal Europe,”

“We gave the European Union £211bn, and what did we get in return? Nothing!"

Then came the climax to evening when Richard Tice said, “This is what we’ve been waiting for” to introduce the British hero who saved the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the grip of The European Union - The Brexit Party founder and leaders Nigel Farage.

Nigel Farage made his entrance to the waiting audience that had gathered in Parliament Square to celebrate the most significant day in modern British history.

Nigel Farage at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Nigel Farage at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Nigel Farage started with“Good evening London”

The faithful cheered and chanted,“Nigel, Nigel, we want Nigel!”

The speech Nigel Farage made to the audience that had Brexiteers, Remainers and people from all over the world rallied around the fact that despite all of the opposition and frustration of the past three and a half years, victory had come at long last, which Nigel Farage pointed out, “I have fought for twenty-years” for this day to happen – the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.

Nigel Farage pointing at the Houses of Parliament and saying, “The establishment never listened to us, never wanted a referendum to take place” and stated that the establishment wanted to frustrate the “greatest democratic mandate ever seen in this country.”

Nigel Farage at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square
Nigel Farage at the Brexit Day celebrations in Parliament Square

Often Nigel Farage would pause and count down the clock intermittently and punching the fact that the United Kingdom, “Will leave the European Union!” raising the spirits of the audience, who would give their cheers of approval.

Celebratory fever was peaking as Nigel Farage spoke about how British Prime Ministers will no longer be “talked down” by “unelected bureaucrats in Brussels” and taking swipes at the outgoing President of the European Union Mr Juncker and outspoken and critic of Brexiteers Belgium MEP Mr Verhofsadt.

The important detail to what a free and democratic sovereign country means, was spelt out when Nigel Farage said, “To make our own laws by people we can hold directly accountable in General Elections” continuing, “Become a democratic, self-governing, independent and I hope a proud nation”.

Furthermore reiterating the fact that the United Kingdom has been “freed from the constraints of the European Union” and be able to “find its place in the world” and reengage with The Commonwealth and the United States making the United Kingdom a “Global Britain!”

Further making digs that establishment figures who as Nigel Farage put it, “Westminster became detached from ordinary people” in the United Kingdom, thus voting to leave the European Union.

The triumph rallying came through loud and clear as Nigel Farage stated: The People beat the Establishment!

Continuing with “democracy has won” and saying that working with other European countries is the right thing to do, but not “taking orders” from the European Union.

Nigel Farage made another statement: Being pro-Europe but not pro the European Union.

This is making the signal that the fight and opposition isn’t with Europe or European countries it is solely against the European Union as an institutionally body that has taken the sovereignty of nations away and holds Member States to ransom.

As the clock ticked increasingly to midnight Nigel Farage burst in another blitz for the audience to soak up as he said with force, “Once we have left, we are never, ever going back!”

Even quoting Tony Blair and Lord Mandelson, both realising that the new reality of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union and now is the time for “unity” and “working together” in a new independent nation.

Though saying that leading Remainer Lord Adonis looks more like a member of the Flat Earth Society, for not wanting to use the new Brexit fifty-pence coin.

“The fact is the war is over! We have WON!”

Nigel Farage spoke about the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson and gave compliments about his “charisma” and the need to hold him [Boris Johnson] to his “promises” of delivering the Brexit “we voted for”.

Mr Farage added that he was surprised by a Conservative Party Prime Minister saying all the right things but hopes that Boris Johnson delivers on his promises.

But make no mistake Nigel Farage gave a clear warning to the Prime Minister, “We want him to make us free and I promise you that I and all of you will keep him; won’t we keep him to his promises?” the audience replied, “YES!”

Mr Farage then softened his voice and spoke of the confidence “he’ll [Boris Johnson] deliver [Brexit]” then adding defiantly, “The Conservatives learnt a lesson they’ll never, ever, want to repeat", referring to the humiliating loss in the European Elections.

In a cheerful tone at the end of Nigel Farage’s speech he said, “Lets be optimistic” and “celebrate like we’ve never done before” continuing with, “we have all made history” and “is the greatest moment in the modern history of our nation.”

Ending off with, “Thank you!”

When midnight struck the audience erupted one last time in cheers and people shook hands and laughed, with some sighing in relief of the forty-year battle to free the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the clutches of an authoritarian political union - The European Union.

The Countdown Clock in the colours of the Union Jack Flag on Number 10 Downing Street
The Countdown Clock in the colours of the Union Jack Flag on Number 10 Downing Street