The London International Post

Boris Johnson battles the Remainers in securing Brexit

Boris Johnson
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Since Boris Johnson was elected as Leader of the Conservative Party and subsequently the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, he has been battling the Remainers in Parliament to secure Brexit.

Brexit has been going on for three years and saw the former prime minister Theresa May lose on her Withdrawal Agreement, which was the lighter version of Brexit and would have meant the UK would be subservient to the European Union.

Now the new direction under Boris Johnson as a Brexiteer is to have a proper Brexit Cabinet and set of Brexit advisors in the way of Dominic Cummings who masterminded the Vote Leave campaign in the 2016 - EU Referendum.

But the will-of-the-people and what the Remaining elite whether in opposing political parties, the media especially at the BBC and in the Houses of Commons and Lords are all trying to prevent Brexit from ever happening.

The strategy of the Remainers was to ramshackle the Prime Minister to a variety of laws the most recent the Benn Act, which means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland cannot leave the European Union without a deal.

Now, if you’re trying to stop Brexit whatever solution you are coming up with, is and will always be voted down in Parliament.

So, the only thing Boris Johnson wanted to do is to sideline the distraction of the Remainers and go back to the European Union to renegotiate a deal that will set the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland free from European Union interference and prorogued Parliament throughout the political conference season and slightly over to get with the job of delivering Brexit.

“Get on with the job of delivering Brexit” Boris Johnson

The sticking point was the backstop, which is a European Union clause that would have a hold on the UK if there was to be a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The European Union has perfected the art of gaining powers from nations by introducing treaties, which transfers sovereignty from Member States to the European Union institution.

Northern Ireland is sovereign land of the United Kingdom and is not up to negotiating on having most of the United Kingdom outside of the European Union, while having Northern Ireland within the European Union customs union and single market.

The British single market is greater than trade with the European Union.

It is unthinkable for any British Prime Minister to accept the annexation of British territory, which is what the result of the backstop would have finally done and Northern Ireland would have be unified with the Republic of Ireland in a similar manner to West and East Germany being reunified in 1990.

The next step for the Remainers was to use Gina Miller by taking the British Government to court once again to prevent Brexit.

The High Court justices rejected Gina Miller’s case against the British Government over the proroguing of Parliament, stating it was a “purely political” move and "not a matter for the courts".

Furthermore, the presiding justices made up of Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett, Master of the Rolls Sir Terence Etherton and President of the Queen's Bench Division Dame Victoria Sharp said their conclusion was based on "well-established and conventional grounds".

However, the strategy was to pre-empt Gina Miller’s appeal in the Supreme Court by having a decisive case in the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh, which had the backing of seventy British MPs and peers headed by Joanna Cherry MP for the Scottish National Party, to challenge the proroguing of Parliament.

Once the Scottish High Court which was heard by three justices and delivered by Lord Carloway said that the proroguing of Parliament was “unlawful” and prevented parliamentarians from scrutinising the Government over the Brexit renegotiations.

Once the Scottish High Court made their verdict that the proroguing of Parliament was “unlawful” the next step was for Gina Miller’s and her Remainer backers appeal case to be heard at the Supreme Court, which was highly politicised and has over stretched its remit, overturned the High Court’s decision and all of the Supreme Court Justices voted against the Prime Minister and the British Government over the proroguing of Parliament and stated it was ‘unlawful’.

Now the MP’s returned to Parliament and the Remainers were in force to show to the nation that they do not want Brexit and are going against the will-of-the-people.

The opening day and night of Parliament after the “unlawful” proroguing of Parliament showed that the Remainer MPs were vetting their anger at the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, which showed the nation that Parliament isn’t serving the British people but going against the-will-of-the-people.

Whatever Boris Johnson does will never satisfy the Remainers in Parliament, so he is pushing for either a Brexit-Deal or leaving without a deal.

Boris Johnson is acting on behalf of the British people and not submitting to the “Surrenders Bill” and battling against a Parliament, just like the judiciary in going against the people over Brexit.

Boris Johnson is determined to deliver Brexit either way of a deal or not and will go down in history just like the late Sir Winston Churchill who faced similar treatment by British MP’s to surrender to Hitler’s Nazi-Germany in the late 1930s.