The London International Post

Black Lives Matter are funded by the Communist Party of China

Black Lives Matter Logo
Black Lives Matter

The death of unarmed Black American George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police officers led to the communist Black Lives Matter organisation to organise mass protest across the United States.

The Black Lives Matter then got picked up by different Black Lives Matter chapters across the world to launch similar protests against discrimination and racism of black people in western countries.

The mass global movement not only raised the issues black people wanted to highlight and put their grievances in full facial view, but to get change especially from political leaders in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Europe.

But with the Covid-19 pandemic Black Lives Matter isn’t the only entity to raise grievances of slavery and colonialism.

The Chinese communists wanted to punish the United States due to the trade war and the banning of Huawei and most recently denying the Chinese Communist company to purchase and include American components to make the Huawei 5G technological infrastructure.

The United States isn’t the only country the Chinese Communists wanted to cause a bloody nose, but the United Kingdom is in the crosshairs of their fury.

Furthermore, the Chinese Communists wanted to show Europe that if they rose-up and started to cause Chinese Communist controlled companies a problem then they would get the same treatment.

The other weapon the Chinese Communists have seized on is the weakest link in Western countries which is racial tensions and the history of colonialism.

So, when the death of an unarmed Black American at the hands of American police officers the Communist Party of China knew that backing and funding a group which is not only a communist organisation, but are one with Black Lives Matter, because both of their objectives is to destroy the Western world and civilisation and place a Communist regime in the process.

While the Western countries are bankrupting themselves in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, which leaked from the Wuhan Institute in Communist China, the Chinese Communists with the American Black Lives Matter leadership who are communists themselves, is to dismantle democracy, freedom and civilisation built up over centuries of dedicated hard work.

The world was enthusiastic back in 1995 of including China into the international community and in from the cold after the demise of the communist regime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the puppet-controlled regimes of the Eastern Bloc countries.

But after twenty-five years of Chinese inclusion the Chinese Communists do not want to embrace democracy, freedom, and the rule of law, but to maintain and defend their beloved communist regime.

Up to date in twenty-twenty with the Covid-19 pandemic causing mass deaths and economic collapse, this stressful situation for the population of the free world is a great opportunity to further the communist strategy of taking over the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe with funding anti-democratic organisations hence the funding of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Unfortunately, the world is distracted with misinformation of the establishment of the slave trade, which China is using in full force to blackmail countries who disobey the Chinese Communists and force them into submission.

If Black people who call the Western world their home must educate themselves about the destructive nature of the Black Lives Matter and their real goal of enslaving black people into a communist regime, as well as the white population and other races as well.

The battle is between whether you want to live in a free and democratic world or a world of hell and bondage which is the communist oppressive system.